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No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello, I for the most part do not believe there are many Alabama pirates. I at one time heard of this crew, but have tried contacting them and have not gotten far. The first mate of me crew has a house in dauphin island, Alabama. SO, we want to take over the crew of Massacre Island Pirates. If anyone has any ideas as if this old crew is still active or knows how to get in touch with them, it would help alot. Seeing how my crew goes to so many events along the gulf and Atlantic coast, we should be the ones to take over this crew/carry on/steal.... many thanks, Capt. Jesse
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 18 replies
We are the Forsaken : Pyrates - Privateers - Pyrate Hunters....we are whatever pays the better. Tales of Kings and Queens...and Poppycoks such things matter not to the likes of us, for we are the Forsaken. presently gathering supplies and allies round the Great Inland Seas, looking for new adventures on distant horizons. ye have been warned, the M.A.d'Dogge
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, It was a grand start to the pirating season. As usual it had its share of turmoil, intrigue, etc. But the posts will become more frequent and I look forward to your input and following.
Last reply by Gumbatz, -
- 23 replies
::Updated/Revised Post:: Hello all! I am on the hunt for some new members for our pirate crew/group. Our founding members are based in PA, WV, and OH. However, we have also gone to (or plan to go to) events in NJ, MD, and VA. I have come here on a search for a few different things: 1. People who would like to join one of our crews (we currently have 2 ships, both with female captains). 2. Already existing crews that would like to ally with us and possibly hang out with us at events 3. Any other type of ne'er-do-wells that would like to join our group, which basically welcomes all types of thieves, bandits, gypsies, mercenaries, and the like. We aren't super stri…
Last reply by William Green, -
- 1 reply
So, I be a wonderin', be there any pyrates, buccaneers, or other unsavory characters holed up in Oklahoma? I got plenty o' room on me roster fer a few worthy souls...
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 5 replies
Check out our website.. We are 4 pirate friends preparing to sail the high seas! The Pirates Life - Follow as 4 friends sail around the world!
Last reply by Beowoulf, -
- 13 replies
Isn't there anybody in ohio besides myself?! I know Michael is, are there others????
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 0 replies
“Behold! A cry from the crow's nest. A ship appears from the south west. The years below deck that bored me, All lead to what lies before me: Hear the terror! Fires burn and cannons sound. Fate awaits me, as the vessels circle round See the slaughter - cutlass swings and pistols fire. I hold my breath, close my eyes and hang on for Death before the mast.” (Alestorm) Welcome to "Before the Mast", a play-by-post role-playing game set in 1719 in the West Indies. The War of the Quadruple Alliance is unfolding, and the European alliances and hostilities extend also to the colonies. The Caribbean Sea is boiling in the war. British, French and Dutch ha…
Last reply by Elena, -
- 1 reply
The San Diego Pirate Coalition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The San Diego Pirate Coalition is a gathering of all Pirates and their crews (if any) in support of one another and what we do, whether it is gambling, sword fighting, pillaging, or simple things like dressing in Renaissance Fair themed outfits and/or talking like a pirate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The San Diego Pirate Coalition is inviting any and all pirates from around San Diego to be a part of the coalition in support of Pirates from around the world, or anything pirate-related. It doesn't matter …
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
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If there are any pirates in calgary let me know im looking for a good crew, here are some additioal details, -I have a small ship! -We will have to sail on the reservoir as we are land locked I have a few people interested to join, also let me know if you want more details.
Last reply by saticus, -
- 1 reply
For all my fellow NC Pirates that live near the triangle make sure to mark April 29th 7:30pm on your calander. My crew is holding an open house for new members. The meeting will take place at 7:30pm on THursday April 29th in Raleigh NC. If your interested please e-mail me at for directions and meeting info. This is for both Capt. Scurvy's Carnival of Sensless Debauchery, The Fraternal Order of Rakish Deviants and The Crew of the Revenge. Hope to see you there!
Last reply by Hitchhiker90, -
- 28 replies
Re-enactor group starting in the mid-Hudson valley. We have members talented in ship building, fencing, music and costuming. Visit us at Half Moon Marauders or e-mail me at Come aboard!
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 1 reply
Ahoy There!! A New Pirate Living History group is forming in Des Moines, Iowa called Federation of Land Pirates! We will be doing Living History along with Live Steel Swordfighting, blackpowder, etc. This will be a very informal group, with some very simple regulations. We will be conducting an informational meeting on Saturday, March 13 at 6pm at the Premiere Bowling Center in Pleasant Hill, Iowa. More information in regards to this group, what our plans are, etc will be addressed. Any and all Pirate Ships, or Pirates looking for a Ship is welcome to attend. If you need additional information as to the location or the group itself, please send us an e-mail a…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy Mateys I am from the Monterey County Soledad, California. looking to start a crew called the Pirates of Monterey, there is no pirate grops out our way the closested pirate groups are at leasted 100 miles or more north and south of us so I am trying to start one here. I am about 45 minutes away from Monterey Bay its a perfect spot for a pirate group but for some reason there is no pirates here, so i am taking it apon myself to start a group. For anyone interested, we would love to meet with you! you can send a PM here or go to pirates of monterey Thankie
Last reply by, -
- 3 replies
arh!!! there must be some over-worked, under paid pyrates in me area. i be lookin' to form a crew! to do pyratical things of interest! surely ye be out there, come out of the locker says I..... there be weapons to discuss, buy and use, clothes to be had, designs to be made, restaurants, hobbies to invent, and places to raid... and who knows what else we be findin' in the way of trouble! dread knows ye be out there!
Last reply by capn'rob, -
- 7 replies
Arrrr! Looking for crew to join or form in the NY/NJ/CT area. I'm in Central Long Island, but I work in Queens speakin to ships 'o the air. Willing to travel a bit. Desirin to visit Pirate events as well as possible the PIP in KW. Would love to organze a group for the next Tall Ships. Also see the following Tall Ship Sail Training wantin ta larn, would be nice ta do so with a group. Red Cat Jenny - Soon ta be terror o the Seven seas!!!! Arrrrrr
Last reply by seabaroness, -
- 6 replies
Lookin, fer a crew in and around Texas. Course I be open to other ports as well. Who is lookin for a relatively green pirate?
Last reply by Captain Robert Darksoul, -
- 0 replies
I have a small pirate crew in Raleigh NC and due to medical reasons three of my usuall crew will not be able to attend an upcoming event we have in Marcus Hook PA. I am looking for new recruits to not only replace them for this event but also to join us for future events and become full time crew members. We have a great group of pirates with experience in stage combat, music, 15 years costume design experience and we have a black powder expert as well. if your interested in joining please contact the Capt. at or 919-308-5368
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 0 replies
I forgot to mention that we are providing free food and lodging for anyone who wants to join us for the event I posted about in Sept.
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 3 replies
Avast me hearties……. Calling all lusty lads and lassies and even old seadogs too….Me and my cabin girl have recently run ashore here in the Land of the Delta Blues and have noticed a lack of piratical style gatherings and fellowship and fun. So if any of you Gentleman and ladies of Fortune are interested in activities like raiding the Tenn. Ren Faire and possibly Pyrate Week or a portion there of in New Orleans and anything else we can get into. We have a lil Captn’s daughter so powder monkeys are welcome for non adult activities. But powder monkeys a warning if you’re not with your Sir or Dam don’t think of trying to partake of the grog. Drop us a line or give us…
Last reply by Captain Robert Darksoul, -
- 2 replies
I'm looking for a crew that opperates out of Northern Virginia (Alexandria, Arlington). My options for travel are currently limited so I'm trying to find something close to home. Failing that... I'm wondering if there's any crewes that opperate strictly online? I suppose the Pub could considered such a crew but I wonder if there are others?
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
We are forming a maritime living history group in Oregon surrounding historical - not Hollywood - pirates, and are looking for persons interested in joining. For the most part, most of us are either former members of traditional pirate entertainer crews wishing to delve further into historical living history, or members of previous living history groups. If you know what a "kit" is, then we'd love to hear from you, as well as anyone interested in examining a living history pirate/maritime group.
Last reply by Crew of the Fortune, -
- 1 reply
As a sailor and history student and enthusiast, I invite you to my party! I am starting up a "maritime culture" reenactment group focused on the maritime heritage of North Carolina. As the home of Blackbeard's last stand, how can we not have a crewe??!!!! All my members will be highly encourage to learn to sail (aboard my 22footer) and learn about the maritime activity in the area from 1750-1780. I don't say "pirate" group because the labels around here are kind of flimsy...not all pirates were pirating 24-7, it was more like "seasonal" work. And take a look at Gov. Eden, everything gets flimsy legally around here! But don't be fooled by the titles...we HAVE FUN! Our…
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 0 replies
Krewe of Pirates marches on Mardi Gras day through the French Quarter, terrorizing anyone we may run down! If you're interested in joining a real Mardi Gras marching krewe, check out our website on We're welcoming new members! Capt. Sir Henry Martyn Krewe of Pirates
Last reply by pyrateking, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy all ye scurvy dogs n' th' like... Although we 'ave our own forum... on th' union site... I sees that some of us members often be here at th' pub... For those of ye who know not of our humble beginnings.. 'ere be the story!!! We now 'ave over 60 members cross th' globe..... We are the International Brotherhood Of Neutral Pyrates, aka The Pyrates Union A place where Pyrates can be Pyrates without conflict, back stabbing or general contempt. We be an easy going bunch who seek fun, frolic and a rum or two along the way. Despite any rumours, we LIKE to make friends with other Pyrates ...and remain...well...neutral, to all matters that be considered "Pyrate politi…
Last reply by Pirate Seika,