Find a Crew or Introduce One
No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
- 66 replies
If you have a crew already listed, Have a crew you would like listed please post it here or contact me as we are trying to re-organize this section and cut the inactive topics. If you have a crew here I need the crew name and the Captain! CrewE of the Archangel- Captain Sterling The Cursed Few- Captain Midnight The Resurrection- Lady Barbossa The Great Lakes River Pirates- crazycholeblack If you do not have a crew here and would like to post yours I will need the crew name and the Captain... If you have not posted here to let me know or contacted me via PM or e-mail your crew thread could possible be deleted so please contact me ASAP! Best Regards, The Black Syren E…
Last reply by Pirates of Fortune's Folly, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy an listen up Shipmates & Crew Captains! Those of you that be leading an or speaking for a crew, I be wondering if ya had any interest in having a crew specific photo album to post crew related images in? I should be able to set permissions on each gallery, so only the members of the given crew can upload images to it. So what say you?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
We are located in Upstate/Central NY State. We do GAoP, 18th c. maritime, and occasionally War of 1812....
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Former F&IW British sailor looking for a crew in the Wisconsin/Illinois/Indiana region. Artillery School Qualified Boat Owner Former Coast Guard Auxiliary coxswain Air Force trained Navigator Sailing School graduate (Just the small stuff) Flintlock and small arms familiar Retired Air Force officer and social studies teacher Bored silly in the post pandemic world I took the schilling and now I am ready to sign the articles
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
We're a kooky bunch of seadogs located in Georgia looking to have a great time. With our nautical nonsense and salty sea shanties we're sure to lighten the mood. So if fun is on your horizon, look no further than our crew. Contact us for more details here or at Captain Jack Gresham at
Last reply by Sully Cross, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I’m new to this… anyone out there?
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
Equal parts action, comedy, and history, Pirate's of Fortune's Folly is a pirate entertainment crew. Through entertainment, we hope to sneak a little knowledge into young minds (and the public at large). We are still seeking additional crew in the PA/NJ/DE area. Ability with a sword, a script, and/or a crowd preferred. Contact for more information.
Last reply by Pirates of Fortune's Folly, -
- 0 replies
Recently moved to the area. I'm interested in Pirate gatherings, ren faires, historical re-enactment and just plain fun. Wouldn't mind a once a month "Pirate night" at a good pub. I'm open to charity events, boating events, educational events, etc. I love ren faire (around May or June in this area). I would personally like to start my own group if anyone is interested. If there's already an established crew, I don't mind joining up either. Located in the Portsmouth, NH area. Tiberius Flynn
Last reply by tiberius.flynn, -
- 6 replies
Living here in the Rochester, NY area. Any ships looking for crew? Anyone wanting to start a crew?
Last reply by calicojack007, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy you lubbards! Any pirates and privateers on the South-East coast of Florida wanting to be part of a crew? I'd be looking to start a new crew for the typical pillage and plunder at local Renaissance/Pirate festivals and events and museums, hospitals, parties, etc. I'd also be looking to being our own events and pirate festivals as well. Find me on Facebook: Jolly John Roger and send me a message! Avast! Jolly Jon Roger/Captain Hook/Mr. Gibbs
Last reply by CaptainHook6388, -
- 1 reply
The wicked Lady Barbossa is recruiting able bodied sea men and women! Are you willing and able to attend events? Be active? Know a little or a lot of history and tell it to spectators? Show your trade be you a navigator or a simple deck hand? Do you want a crew that has plenty of events to attend? Ranks and stations offered. And who knows, perhaps a little compensation for yo'r troubles and travels! AYE! Sign Articles! with the Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection. est. 2007 .... or in pirate era, in the Year of Our Lord, 1707. Definitely in need of some people willing to look like good pirates, as we are a historical fiction pirate crew, mixing hist…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
Looking for a pirate crew or pirate re-enactors group? Post to this topic and include WHAT you're looking for, WHERE and WHEN. If you include contact information, interested pirate crews will get back to you! Questions about this topic or finding a pirate crew? Contact
Last reply by MermaidAngelStarfish, -
- 0 replies
The Crew of the Scavenger is a living history pirate group. Well, that's the goal, anyway, we're trying to make the change to one at the moment. We are based on Floridas South West coast. The focus of our crew is on the golden age of piracy, particularly between the years of 1700 and 1720. We are looking for interested parties to help swell our ranks. As we are making the transition to a living history group, particular attention must be paid to details regarding period correct clothing and weaponry of prospective crew members. The crew attends a few pirate festivals around Florida, intends to start holding living history camping trips, and hosts what will hopefully bec…
Last reply by Capt_Jack_Stifler, -
- 13 replies
Ahoi! with greetings from Polish pirates; Danziger
Last reply by Elena, -
- 6 replies
Wondering if there are any New England pirates planning on heading to the Annual New England Pirate Fest on August 11th/12th, or King Richard's Faire in Sept./Oct? I was planning on going to both, dressed in my newly acquired garb!
Last reply by Johnathan Atwood, -
- 0 replies
I be lookin' for a crew for me virtual ship the 'Sally's Revenge'. All needs to be noisy as me ship is the publicity tool for the International Talk Like A Pirate Day event in the UK. Want t' help me make some noise and publicize this? Then you be the pyrates I be lookin' for! Email me at MB
Last reply by Captain Mauvebeard, -
- 1 reply
i have been advised by a wiser friend to go about starting a crew by building the group around it's captain. That being said, this is a call to arms for people wishing to portray what you think of when you think of pirates. that is to say, galleons, spanish doubloons, the isles of tortuga and Madagascar buried treasure, walking the plank etc. So while Pirate legends will be portrayed, we will also be portraying them with as much historical accuracy as possible. We will be doing the Age of buccaneers Mor particulalry from the years 1662-1689. i have made a comprehensive timeline for my character, which puts us primarily in the caribbean and Indian Ocean, but even as far as…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 0 replies
The Rhode Island Pirate Players are looking for some new crew. We are an active group that has been educating about what life was really like for pirates and privateers during the GAoP for the past 7 years. 2013 is already shaping up to be another great year, and as we expand we are looking for new mates to play with. We are open to all, from old salts who have been roving for years, to new sailors looking to get their feet wet.
Last reply by Johnathan Atwood, -
- 40 replies
Just curious to know if there are any other pirates in the great lone star state. The only events I know of that might attract such scurvy dogs would be the Scarborough Fair (alas, already past) or the big Texas Rennesance Festival (not untill October). Anyone know if there any other pirate events in these parts?I know we have a local SCA, but I don't know if there are any pirates in the group...
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 0 replies
Having written this, (Please Read)I hope you find it in your hearts to give this young lad a second chance now that i've had an eye opener, and am far humbler for it. that being said, i am welcoming new recruits to The Devil's Brood Pyrates with open arms, and a good deal more humility. We have gone through several changes in the past year and are still evolving please bear with me. if you are still interested in jioning, and have any questions, please message me here, also, our policies are not set in stone as of yet, so i can only share with you ideas propo…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 34 replies
I'm in Northern Utah, so I am as landlocked as they come. Anyone else trapped up here in the Rockies?
Last reply by crow, -
- 4 replies
I fancy myself a 20-something man-child, and been favorin' piracy for many an All Hallow's Eve for over a score of years, as well as always havin' had a keen likin' of nautical history. Bein' captain of me own life's ship now,I be lookin' t' try me hand (or hook) at modern-day piracy reenactin' with a crew o' like minded bilge-rats like yerselves. This grown-up piracy be all relatively new t' me, so any and all souls who wish, please come a-wind t' me and have a chate with a new mate. -Captain's Log 23rd May, Year of Our Lord 2012 Capt. "Dangerous" Dan, Scourge of the James River, Former Pirate Lord of the Great Lakes
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
Michigan, anyone??
by Guest Black Maria- 1 reply
I know that pyrates frequently visit Michigan RenFests and such, especially SilverLeaf and, of course, Holly, but are they... organized? Cheers.
Last reply by Geo.Roland, -
- 15 replies
We have a small crew in Bakersfield California for anyone interested, we would love to meet you! Send a personal message to my box or visit....
Last reply by Kenneth, -
- 0 replies
We are Ye Pyrate Brotherhood located on the Island of Long in New York. We are currently in search for some new comrades in arms to join us in our crew. We do various events from Olcott NY down to NJ performing in a family friendly show with a treasure hunt for the kids. We use black powder replica flintlocks and a newly aquired cannon. Our blades are steel but not sharpened of course. We also do lectures at public libraries. If this is something that interests you please contact us at or 631-894-3417 Check out our website at
Last reply by SaltyDog,