Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
With a minor dilemma over what footwear to wear at PIP (this year being my first), I decided I might need something in addition to the Fugawees. After all, it is the beach right?!? So after a half hour googling for rope sandals and not really happy with the fact that the Gurkee model is Polypropylene rope, (plus the fact that my WIDE feet are impossible to fit) I ran across a site with some japanese patterns.... The one I found that looked generic enough for anywhere was the Waraji. See Link here: A few more patterns and info here: It looked very doable so …
Last reply by Jib, -
- 20 replies
I have searched the forums and nothing really came up that satisfied what I was looking for (it was difficult to think up good search terms for this as well that were specific enough). So here we go: I am in search of good, historically correct pen and/or quill, ink, and container to keep it in. In particular, I am looking for these items in a form that a sailor who could write (like Esquimelin, Dampier, or any of the other sailors who wrote journals at sea during this time) would have during the GAOP era. So far, all I have found is a source for period correct paper to write on:
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 31 replies
So, a friend recently suggested I should make a 'pirate' violin. I mulled the idea over for a few weeks and yesterday started work. I'm not going to give anything away until it's done, partly because I think it'll be fun to surprise folks and partly because ideas might change on the way and I don't want my original plans being held against me. So here's day 1 progress:
Last reply by madPete, -
Slops 1 2
by Patrick Hand- 38 replies
INTRODUCTION This is how I made a pair of semi-period slops. OK, they are made from hemp canvas, sewn with linen thread, and all visible seams are hand finished. So why only "Semi-period ?"...... I can't "back-up" these slops with any good documentation. So they are a reasonable "guess". I'm not sure if the pockets with flaps are period, The Tailor's pattern for knee breaches that I'm basing them on shows where pockets would go, but they are farther forward than where I put them on these slops. I'm assuming that a Sailor/Pyrate wouldn't go to the nearest Jo Ann's and buy a pattern. He would know the basic cut and fit of slops, but there would be a wide range of varia…
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 2 replies
I plan on buying the plans from reconstructing history for the 1710's frock coat and sewing it myself, but I've been curious about the one for sale at They make the claim that it is appropriate for the 1740's through the 1760's, but looking at it, it seems remarkably similar to many illustrations of pirates from the golden age. Pleated in the back, slit down the center, buttons all the way down the front. The shape of the cuffs seems to be off a bit, but that's the only thing I've noticed. Can I get anyones thoughts?
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 7 replies
So Rock Hall's tomorrow, and I find the belt loop on the scabbard for the beautiful knife I bought at Lockhouse last year is broken. The scabbard is a single piece of leather folded and stitched together along the edge. The belt loop is a simple strip of leather stitched at each end through the side of the scabbard. It's the end closer to the scabbard's point, the non-load-bearing end, that's come unstitched. Obviously, when the scabbard was made, the belt loop was stitched on first, and only afterward was the scabbard folded and stitched together. There's no way anyone could have poked a needle down into the scabbard after it was finished to stitch the belt loop on,…
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 10 replies
I thought I would get back to the Satisfaction sooner but I had some other projects as well as school get in the way. I decided to take on a much smaller and much shorter build before I get back to it. Mostly this is because of time. I'm working and in school now so I don't have much of it. I have a week or so between semesters so I'm going to try and put a ship in bottle together in that time. Here's my photo's so far. I started with what's called a wood plug. This is kind of a mold for the actual ship. It's sealed with clear nail polish and coated in wax. I then stain paper with a wood stain and cut it in 1mm strips. I glue the top ones to the plug and…
Last reply by DSiemens, -
- 15 replies
I'm going to a fest this weekend,and thinking of doing a mid-1600s buccaneer look: sleeveless short doublet, petticoat breeches, etc. It's going to be hot, and am wondering about the appropriateness of a straw hat for the occasion. Working men have been depicted in straw hats since the Middle Ages, and in the Caribbean slaves, planters, etc. must have worn them as well. What about seamen of the period? Anyways, I have one similar to this (not quite so wide a brim) that I added a black twill tape hat band to: It looks pretty good on, but somewhat 'cowboy-ish.' What do you think..?
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 20 replies
I'd like to share some period images I've been recently collecting, which show sailors & assorted other working joes of the GAOP. I'll continue to add to this thread as I find new ones. Let's start with some Canaletto: (b. 1697, Venezia, d. 1768, Venezia) Here is a brief bio on this artist: Zuane Antonio Canal, Venetian painter, the son of Bernardo Canal, a well-known scenery painter at the time. 'Canaletto' — or small canal — as he was soon called, received his training in the studio of his father and his brother, with whom he continued to collaborate for several years. He became the most famous view-painter of the 18th century. The images I'm posting are crops and …
Last reply by Mission, -
- 8 replies
I'm looking for a place where I can buy period correct style trousers for myself and my crew. I've looked everywhere, to no avail, and I thought that this would be the place to ask. When I say trousers, I mean something like what is worn by Anne Bonny or Edward Teach in their respective pictures from that era. Any and all help would be MOST appreciated!
Last reply by Capt_Jack_Stifler, -
- 59 replies
I made a shortcoat of tartan wool some months back for my Highlander/Jacobite kit... just curious if it would be to outlandish to wear it with a pirate kit? I have seen several plates with sailors wearing tartan breeches and slops but have yet to see any reenactors wearing tartan for pirate events... What say ye?
Last reply by Red John, -
- 7 replies
Ive been doing a lot of work on my kit lately. I just finished a hammock. The ringbolt is done in cock's combing with some tarred marline. I roped the bottom of my ditty bag. I also made a sheath for my knife and marlin spike, and hitched my needle case. The knife sheath is canvas painted with several coats of spar varnish, then French hitched with some turks heads too, and painted over with more varnish. The fid I made form hickory but the seam rubber I purchased. The hat was made for me by a friend. The penny knife is an original from the 19th C and given to me by a friend.
Last reply by Jib, -
- 12 replies
I finished this project in Sept for the Utah pirate fest. I had pictures start to finish so thought people might be interested here. roughly based on the pattern here: mP
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 16 replies
Any good recommendations, for GAOP wigs and styles? Are There different styles as to yer status in society? Did all people wear wigs? or only the higher classes for social meetings/balls/church/ and other type of public outings? Wanting to know if anyone knows the price range of wigs, and need good source of traders/sutlers to purchase a wig? What color, Natural or White? Does yer Occupation or Status matter what color one would of wore? need help!
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 6 replies
I mean, nowadays a woolen coat would be dry-cleaned and not merely washed. But how would one wash a coat in that time? What would they use, soap or lye wash, or anything else?
Last reply by Elena, -
- 41 replies
Now where in the world do I get accurate square toes???????? where did yall get them?
Last reply by landlubbersanonymous, -
- 29 replies
What do you think is best... Monmouth, Thrum or Peter the Great? Kristie Bukland's Hats
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 15 replies
So a friend has commissioned me to build a leather map frame to protect a map and which rolls up and fits into her map case. map size is approx 16 X 22. essentially it will be like a picture frame, with the back tooled with a similar map. so here are the humble beginnings: Remember measure twice cut once? Well, half the challenge in leather is a good plan and accurate measurements. For the map to fit and have the frame stitched around the edge to hold it in place, I added 3…
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 5 replies
This month's Surgeon's Journal article has nothing whatsoever to do with surgery. Rather, it's about a wonderful copy of the Mercury Crew's Ship (the Mercury, natch) which I commissioned Daniel Siemens to make for our crew's Quartermaster and founder, William Red Wake. I gave it to William at the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion. Daniel kept me updated throughout the year on his progress, which you can read all about in this article on my webpage. He does lovely work and I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a ship in a bottle.
Last reply by DSiemens, -
- 14 replies
Some backstory first: I do stage combat and one thing required is a decent pair of leather gloves. The leather protects the hands should a blade slip past the hilt. Most stage combat weapons develope burs on the blade that can also cause injury. That said I found a beautiful set of long leather rose gloves that will fit my needs very well. The problem is that the gloves have a nasty logo on the back of the hand. So I'm considering disguising the logo. I thought maybe some lace. Yeah it's foppish but I am a fancy fellow. Any ideas?
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 9 replies
Got a new replica flintlock and some cheapie blades and spiffied 'em up recently: My flintlock: My wife's new cutlass. Made the leather sheath m'self: My new cutlass: Nothing special or fancy but fun little modifications none the less.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know if tooled leather was popular or if it even existed in the GAoP?
Last reply by Patrick Chenault, -
- 14 replies
A picture of the whole kit laid out Interpretive style ( iknow the quality isn't great but the close ups are better) Close up of the extra cloaths in the pack, cut or cloath hose, work frock, spare pair of woolen breeches, and thrum cap and blue linen neckcloth Then a closeup of the afore-picture parcels, laid out on display Closer shot of the bowl / The Far side of the hammock which includes my working gear Close up of my rigging belt( Made by Hawkyns) my knife and marling nail, they are laid out on a proclamation for the gathering up of wandering sailors and sea-faring men Close ups of my other working tools, sailmakers palm, fid, twines, needles, & s…
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 19 replies
This is one of a few ship in bottle projects I'm working on but since it was pirate related i thought why not post it here. I did a little research into the Satisfaction and read that she was an English Frigate. The height of Henry Morgans campaign was in the late 1660's to Early 1670's. So I did some research in the books that I have and found an English Frigate called the Resolution that was built in 1667. I figured it would be as close as any one could get to how the ship might have looked so I'm modeling the Satisfaction after those plans. This was the original bottle i thought of using but have since changed. I show this picture though because it shows gene…
Last reply by DSiemens, -
- 6 replies
My achilles heel (tee hee) for any garb is my footwear. Why? Because I have plantar fasciitis. The wrong footwear will have me limping for weeks (if not months). I do NOT have flat feet, which many of us are assumed to have, so fitting is a puzzle. I wear inserts in some shoes, and believe it or not, Crocs makes a hideous but comfortable, well, croc, that I can wear without inserts. So where does that leave me with garb? I don't yet know. And I'm a lowly artist, without a fortune to spend. So, do any of you have ideas on how I can approach this aspect of my garb, either with specific brand recommendations, or for shoes/boots that I can remove the insert and put in my own…
Last reply by GryffinSong,