Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 40 replies
I am currently working on a kit for a ren era pirate. Here on the Gold Coast we have a faire in late summer called Queen Bess and the Pyrates which is a faire dedicated to the Elizibethan era and her support of English privateers. The first year I went I noticed that there were hardly any pirates at all and most of the ones that were there were just a bunch of fantasy pirates anyway so...... I decided to create a PC kit for my next attendance and for every other ren faire I attend. A pirate is a pirate... no matter what year it is says I. Not sure how it will be much different from many ren kits but I will do my best to make it as sea worthy as possible. What say ye fel…
Last reply by Liam McMac, -
- 3 replies
The trimming on hats and uniforms for decoration and showing ones rank. Would it most likely be just yellow ribbon or would some kind of golden ribbons, lase or cords be used?
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 22 replies
After what's seemed like months and months... Front Side
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
I just bought this button and wondered if anyone knew if this button actually is what they say? Also if it is Authenthic would there be any interest in me getting some replicas cast? British c.1705 Queen Anne Royal Livery Button - Lion British found - Complete inc reverse fastening loupe For auction, an original british issue, circa.1705 A.D date, bronze composition, Royal type of Livery button, the button was issued under queen anne of england. The button has finest detail of a typical lion of the period holding crown. specification: Bronze composition 23.0 mm diameter Original & scarce type Futher research I have don…
Last reply by PoD, -
- 3 replies
A simple question... Most (cocked) hats I see are black or something dark. Is this a mather of fasion, backed up by archeological, pictorial or written evidence? Or do we al think that dark collored hats are cooler then white, beighe or pink ones...
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 16 replies
Ahoy Mateys, I've newbie questions about seabags. I've located later period seabag illustrations of the "USS Congress (1842-1862) -- Embroidered Seabag". I also like the individuality of that seabag. It would help the owner to quickly find it among gear stowed about the ship. So - Are seabags period correct for pyrate/age-of-sail reenactors or living history? If - yes - Does any one have a pattern or more illustrations of what period seabags looked like? Fair Winds, thunderbuster
Last reply by adam cyphers, -
Just finished
by Fox- 20 replies
Just finished a gunter quadrant, all bar the cord and plumb-weight. On the obverse is a scale of degrees (and half degrees), Gunter scale, and geometric square. On the reverse is a Nunes scale and Morland perpetual calendar. Obverse Reverse
Last reply by Fox, -
- 0 replies
After a year and a half of no place to put it and a sewing machine that only works half of the time I finally have a new machine and new worktable to put in the spare room of our house, formally my son's extra toy storage space. I cannot even begin to describe how the pile of "almost done" projects has grown lately so hopefully in the next few months I will have pleenty of pics and new items to share and take constructive critisism on. Hopefully....
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 2 replies
Here's some stuff off my new lathe. Pictured are three seam rubbers (one in poplar and two in mahogany), two small fids (mahogany and maple), a needlecase (mahogany and pine), and a mahogany belaying pin for 3/8" line.
Last reply by MorganTyre, -
- 1 reply
ok--- here is what i have thus far... silas did the cartridge pleating for me... think we might make it smaller pleating.... and yah the fabric is kind of jacobean....
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
Just finished these for some of the Archangel events. I wanted to let everyone see them. They are printed on hand laid linen rag paper, using a period correct font. Thanks to Sterling and Mission for your help on them and Silkie for the Mastheads on the newspaper.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
this is the back of a jacket that i found.. note the sleeves/ cuffs ... shall attach a voluminous skirt to inner jacket back,rounding to the front yet wont close completely--will have to wear a front skirt that shall be contrast-- perhaps the light punkle ( cross between pink and purple) that is already shown with the back pic of this gown shall become the under skirts the front i shall make a stomacher-- and attach the front to it.... may have to cut the neck to hang a bit lowernd farther on the shoulders.... what do yah all think? ( yah it is cheating--but it is FAST and if you think the lines are close enough, well that means i can make a pattern off of i…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
My Birthday is comming up in April and one of my early presents is getting to make a new hat. I have always gotten my blanks from a local source here in NC but they are no longer around. Want to get something in a dark brown or gray, wide brim, maybe 6 inches. Has anyone ever ordered a blank from Hats by leko? Also looking at the blanks from Jas Townsend and sons. Have a budget limit of $25 - $35. Suggestions?
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 17 replies
down at the bottom of the pages... they are complete... done---
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 11 replies
Let me be honnest with you guys, I am not an Pirate reenactor. But i do have a relationship with Guatemala and therefore a bit with the Caribbean eara. Visiting Guatemala I begin to know a lot of stores and people wo produce and sell traditional Guatemalan dress. From very sheep modern stuff up to handmade traditional and a bit more expencive clothing. Besides this I started to wander about how many of these traditional mayan dress would have been mixed with the europian sailors clothing durring the ages? And would it maybe an idea to pursase some of these clothing and sell it back here in Europe to pirates reenactors?? Is there anyone out here who might have a clue…
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 2 replies
Just wanted to show my newest hat creation. Not period by a long shot, but I like it. This one was made by sandwiching together 2 pieces of flat craft felt. I wanted to see how my hats would look before delving into serious all wool hat construction. So now I just have to wait to get my blanks from Hats by Leko and I can get to work on many more. Let me know what you think.
Last reply by Captain Robert Rackam, -
- 0 replies
I recently produced the following two charts for use in my shop and thought I'd share them here. These are to produce a regular over one/under one weave in as large or small a turkshead or mat as you'd like from one continuous piece of line. A description of use follows each picture: We pretty much all know how to tie the most common turkshead - the 3 bight x 5 lead in hand but what other sizes are possible? To use this chart, read the bights across the top then follow down the column to the number of leads you are looking at. If the space is blank then this is a possible turkshead. If the space is shaded out then it is not. For example, Lets say you are tying a …
Last reply by MorganTyre, -
- 39 replies
I have been looking into reproducing authentic navigation sea charts. I have downloaded hundreds of maps off the web but I cannot find any that are complete maps, or they are too small to read the print, or there is some other issue with them. With all the pirate related books I have you would think I could find something of use there, but I cannot. The only place I haven't checked is the local Historical Society Library because they are only opened a few days a week, when I am at work. I have two questions; 1. Has anyone here ever reproduced a sea chart before? 2. Does anyone have any suggestions to where can I find good quality, large format sea charts (circa 1700) t…
Last reply by PoD, -
- 11 replies
I was browsing one of my local favorite flea-markets yesterday and came across the two volume set of Two Centuries of Costume in America, 1620-1820 by Alice Morse Earle, first published in 1903. These are a boxed set of paperbacks put out by Tuttle from Japan in 1971. There ar several art prints, lots of period descriptions, and some witty rhymes and poems concerning habits and dress. The bes part is (besides the fact they are ine excellent condition) I only paid $4 for them! I am not smart enough to work the scanner function on my printer, nor would I be able to figure out how to enlarge the images if I did know how to operate the damn thing. Blondie was thrilled wh…
Last reply by Liam McMac, -
- 11 replies
I made this hat from flat felt and I am looking for opinions on it's appearance. All comments welcome.
Last reply by Captain Robert Rackam, -
- 10 replies
I just finished my new sword belt. I wanted to share. Loosely based on what was presented in this thread. Sword Carriages I wanted to keep it with a 1 inch belt. Let me know what you think.
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 2 replies
Having scoured everywhere I can think of locally and on t'internet I havent managed to find anything that looks like the trim on this 1650's Dutch belt. Has anyone on here seen anything like this on their travels? The other questions about it are: In your opinion is it even a trim or is it gilt on the actual belt itself? It seems to be quite shiney so what material would you think it was?
Last reply by PoD, -
- 6 replies
toying around with hand dipping a few short candles for one of my lanterns... i found a source for beeswax cheap and wanna experiment a little... read up on dipping candles already but i wanna know what wick size and shape others have had good luck with...
Last reply by Asolfr, -
- 20 replies
ok---- this draft is based on Mooses /Captain Sterlings second posted picture... 1.i think the neck line is a bit too high and perhaps even not quite the correct curve/shape 2. i think the arm scythes are too high and need instead a deeper cut sooo..... does anyone mind comparing the 2 garments and telling me your opinion? and i also think i read that they had boning in the side seams AND the back down the middle... what say you? and i fully intend to runa small slice of boning down the front right and left side so that the spiral lacing wont bunch up the front opinions please!!!
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 7 replies
-- the other day i found and purchased a coat for 10 bucks--- i knew it was a REAL ANIMAL PELT coat.... but had NO idea what it was .... upon coming home and showing silas the coat, he simply said " well, the label says lambs wool, so i guess it is that"..... after laughing my butt off at my complete momemts of absolute idiocy.....LOL... anyway--that thing is sooooooooo huge, that i really dont know what to do with it.... i am thinking of making a blanket out of it.. like a mattress pad thingy--- so i can throw it down for bedding in the tentage for re enacting..... and the smaller pieces i can use for trim on something.... i just know that england had to…
Last reply by silas thatcher,