Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
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- 13 replies
Here comes a French Pirate ! I'm Ollivier aka Bichon. I live in Paris, France but I was born near the shores in Brittany. (The name of the county is Finistere aka The end of Earth). I'm 42 and I just love the pirates world for many years. I saw a lot of movies and read a lot of books of course. I've been playing Role Playing games bases on the pirate ages for a few years (The name of the RPG is "Pavillon Noir" aka Black Flag). I've just found this place and I feel like home ! And of course I love the rhum from the French West Indies or French Antilles because It is the best rhum in the world ;-)
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 7 replies
Best wishes for a great birthday. Hope you're not freezing while playing this weekend. See you in June.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 9 replies
Even though it's not until tomorrow, I want to be the first one to wish you a very happy birthday. Never a dull moment, being married to a Pyrate Rogette! Love, Chain Shot
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 2 replies
Its a day for the Sea Trader ,may ye have a day full o' plunder N' wealth Happy to ya Andrew
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
- 16 replies
Posting this here, as she called me up this afternoon to have me relay to all ye on th' Pub... she's unable to get on and respond properly due to a wrist injury. So, all of ye send yo'r good juju and prayers to our beloved Black Syren. Poor lass needs a massive break, aye? Again, get better soon, Syren, m'dear. Prayers always be with ye. ~Lady B
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 1 reply
hey, i came across this forum in my research. I am hoping that you guys will help me with my college work as i am aiming to design a series of pirate characters. if you would like to help please read this thread here: thanks alot
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 13 replies
May you enjoy all the riches that you have found. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 9 replies
One an' all, hoist yo'r tankards high for one hell of a lass! Tis th' birthday of Red Bess! A lass whom I'm very glad t' say to know and to have been lucky t' be a shipmate to. Here's to ye, Red Bess... may yo'r piratical dreams come true this year... and shall see ye at Port Washington as I owe ye a drink. ~Lady B
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 2 replies
I spotted a three-mast ship anchored just East of the Stepping Stones Light off Sands Point NY this AM. Anyone have a clue to the vessels identity? Jas. Hook
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 6 replies
Hoist yo'r tankards high, mates! A mighty birthday wish for ye, Gunpowder Gertie! Old? Nay! Ye be a pirate! We all be 'round 300 years old, give or take a decade or few. But ye don't look a day over 30. May it be a piratically blessed day for ye. With what treasures and booty ye desire! ~Lady B
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 13 replies
Happy B-Day to you Happy B-day to you You're chrispy and crunchy and I bet Nell Thinks so to. Hope you get to go to KW for drinks like ya did last year!!
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 4 replies
Mates, I had the opportunity to attend and participate in the SIXTH Annual Fell's Point Privateer Days/Baltimore Pirate Invasion this year. I recently parted company with a crew and started looking at doing events "solo" in order to grow my impression and discover for myself what kind of events are out there. I was made to feel VERY welcome by the folks/members of the Colonial Seaport Foundation, Vigilant Crew, Crew of the Archangel, and others whose names I unfortunately cannot remember. They let me add some of my gear/props to their displays and, more importantly, allowed an unknown to jump in and interact with the visiting public. I am horrible with names and there ar…
Last reply by Bright, -
- 10 replies
Last reply by Hitchhiker90, -
- 7 replies
I caught Dinner Impossible the other night and I got to missing all my pyrate comrades something awful! I have been working me arse off, not only at work, but also volunteering, and attending things like showers and weddings and looking for a house (Which finally paid off, I'm in escrow!) and nothing looks likely to let up anytime soon, which makes me sad, because I was hoping to get to at least one more event this year. Alas, I may have to make due with pestering everyone here... Anyway - I MISS YOU ALL!!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 17 replies
Will someone loan Mission a rusty cutlass? I gotta have surgery on the nodes in my neck and I think the scar will lend itself to "I survived a boarding action" stories if Mission does it with a rusty cutlass, soaked in rum. Yes, Mission the cutlass and I, all soaked in rum. If Mission is busy then I guess the ship's carpenter will have to do. I will build you a medicine chest if you are successful. Mission can you be here in Orlando on Monday afternoon? If not ..... then ..................................... it's off to the hospital with me.
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 7 replies
It's been a long time since I've walked these creaking decks. It's good to see some familiar faces and some new ones. Hopefully I won't get landlocked again anytime soon. So here is a rum on me for all you waterlogged scurvy dogs!!
Last reply by Capt. Marcus Keys, -
- 4 replies
Wasn't sure if this was right for here but wanted to get some opinions: So as many of you know I used to play Blackbeard in Teach's Hole Pirate Shop in Ocracoke NC for a number of years. While there I filmed a show for TBS on Blackbeard, was an honored guest every night at Howard's Pub, did a number of appearances for local, state and national events and was treated like a local hero. It was great while it lasted but do my divorse I moved away from the island and made port in Raleigh NC. I was recently contacted by a local shop owner who is an old friend in Hatteras to do a 1 to 2 hr show for him at his shop to attract the kids and their parents with hopefully open wa…
Last reply by Capt. Marcus Keys, -
- 5 replies
Wishing on of th' best to one of th' lass on th' Pub! Here's to ye, Red Handed Jill! May ye obtain all th' plunder yo'r black heart desires on yo'r blessed day. ~Lady B
Last reply by Mission, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know where the topic "Post Yer Colours" [or something like that] was moved to? I rather enjoyed looking at people's artwork of the pirate flags they are designing and using. I have looked and looked, but can no longer find the topic. Has it gone to Davy Jones, or have I had too much rum and it's doin' funny things to me deadlights? If so, I still ain't givin' up me rum. -Tar Bucket
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 10 replies
Raise a glass! A very happy birthday to you, my beautiful wife and life long friend. May you and I both enjoy many more of them to come.
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 13 replies
Coat and slops from our own Liam McMac Pistol from Highlander Breeches from Liam McMac Still to come... Custom sword from BKS Sword belt from Michael Bagsley It's good to be 40!
Last reply by Gunpowder Gertie, -
- 3 replies
Awww... tis BilliesDarlin's Birthday! Come on now ye lot! Join me in some fine wishes for a fun lass. Billie has himself quite th' gem there. Here's to ye, lass. May it be one heck of a day for ye and a grand piratical day at that. ~Lady B
Last reply by Brig, -
- 4 replies
My Captain and his lady are trying to win a kick ass pirate wedding. Please vote for them http://www.ultimatew...m/entries/38759
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 0 replies
Figured I'd pipe up an' state somethin' about it bein' Bloody Davy Kidd's Birthday. After all, he is m' nephew! Any of ye who attended Port Washington in 2006 met m' wily nephew (he still owes me a ring after losing one of my favorite rings in Lake Michigan!). Pete, I doubt you can get away with calling him a hobbit... he's just slightly taller than I! Spooky! Hoist yo'r tankards high for this lad. And pray... th' lad turns 16! ::: hears a horror scream::: ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
New here, what's the first step?
Last reply by Jas. Hook,