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New England Colonial Trade Fair - Dover, NH


Community Calendar

New England Colonial Trade Fair March 8th & 9th 2025- SAT 9AM-5PM & SUN 9AM-2PM

$5.00 Admission- Daily Door prize

To be held Dover Lodge of Elks #184

282 Durham Road, Dover NH 03820


Ellis River Knife Works-   Jeff Wardwell

Bethlehem Trading Post- Vincient and Maria Spiotti www.bethlehemtradingpost.com

Westminster Forge - Tom Brown Copper Ware www.westminsterforge.com

Steinhagen Pottery -Erich, Janice-www.steinhagenpottery.com

Steve Woodman-   Guns, Replica & Antique

Bruce Beane - Fine Flintlocks and Knives

Chuck Walker  -Powder Horns and knives.

Ken Hamilton -- Knives and Artifacts  

Ray Hamilton guns ,trade goods

Brian Anderson Blacksmith, tomahawks, gunsmith Historical artist

Gossville Shoes, Bruce, Penny Graham, Colonial Shoes gossvillenh.com

Quiet Bear Forge Trading Co-Kim Brooks

PJS TRADING- -period toys and games and trade goods

Wentworth House   -  Rollinsford NH   

S.A.R -Sons of the American Revolution

Kelli's Sewing Studio -   Kelli Burnham       kellisews.com

Mornin' Joe Turnings -Joe and Bonnie Dorand-Bowls, Baskets,quilts,inkle tapes

Andy Volpe-Artist and Living History  Print maker andyvolpe.com

 Bailey's Brooms-Everett Bailey- Shaker Broom maker

Maine Powder House Black powder sales

Roy Stroh- Gunsmith custom handmade muzzleloaders, knives.

Smith River Smithy-Richard C. Wright-Blacksmith smithriversmith@aol.com

Paul Courtemanche-Leather Work, Canteens shooting pouches and other leather goods

Pat Lipman- The Bonnie Weaver, "handwoven towels/mats, scarves"

Charlene Warbeck-Trade Goods

John Durant- Book Seller

Miss Catherine's Threads-Catherine Goodmen-Hand spun Yarn-wool, Hand Knitting

William Carter-Hand Sewn Shirts 

R. Eckert - Tinware

Iain Haight-Ashton - Glassware 

Robert Lecce -Pewter Pot Fine Spiced Chocolate

George Morrison - The Flint Lock Man Custom Flintlock firearms

Warren Halstead - 18th-19th Century items

Steve Topliff - Gun Collection

Hersey Buckets - William Hersey 

Alan Whitney- Trade Goods

Forrest Bonney-Handcrafted Furniture

Russell Spies - Pewter items handmade. spoons, soldier's, colonial reproductions

WM Booth, Draper-Paul Dickfoss

Living History Heritage Maine - Arthur Langley 

Andre Souligny - SPOONERLUST www.spoonderlust.com




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