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Cayman Pirate Festival - Cayman Brac Island

Community Calendar


Join the festival fun in 'The Brac' on 30th November and join the pirate revellers around the bonfire at the Kick-Off party.  Discover the heritage displays and enjoy the parade and festival fireworks!  It's a full day of Cayman Brac culture and swashbuckling fun.

Cayman Brac is located in the warm Caribbean Sea, one of a three island archipelago. The islands are situated south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica. 

The Brac, as the island is commonly referred to, is the most easterly of the Cayman Islands. The island gets its name from the bluff (Brac is Gaelic for bluff), elevated limestone rock which directly down the centre of the island, reaching its peak at 144 feet. With a total land mass of 14 square miles, the island is small enough to maintain a peaceful, tranquil atmosphere but big enough to have a plethora of hidden caves, winding trails and a unique cultural history.

The history and culture of Cayman Brac's people can still be experienced. The elders of the community grew up plaiting thatch, laying rope, making turtle nets, cooking in the caboose or building catboats and schooners and has worked hard to pass on this knowledge and traditions to younger generations.

Folklore says Cayman Brac became a prominent home for pirates more than two centuries ago. These “Brethren of the Sea,” as they were called, came in search of places to hide their stolen treasures. Edward “Blackbeard” Teach was said to have been one of the scurvy sea dogs to come ashore in the sister island.

Call us: +1(345) 949-5859 or +1(345) 949-5078

Pirates Week Office,
10 Shedden Road,
P.O. Box 51,
Grand Cayman KY1-1101,
Cayman Islands



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