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HALOOO the pub...

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ARe ya still buying, Capt Bo? I have a need fer something strong to drink..and to get drunk by. Somedays its not worth chewing thru the ropes!


Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Aye Merry! Ray... take care o' me sweetness 'ere! It be a day that has somethin bad in it fer th' lass an I wishes ta see it better! Sit 'ere and unload on me lass... It may be the only thing I be good for.

Miss Bunny... I'll be sure ta save a ride just fer you lass. Always lookin fer an excuse ta run!

Good day ta ye all! Capt. Bo

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Yer too sweet and way t' givin o' yer rides!

Mayhap ifin ye are at an event, ye will at least let me take a picture upon it! That would be one fer the album!

I make a darn decent Biker wench.... oh better nay say that t' loud o' Biker will o'er hear!

Bunny Cutlass

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Twas nice chattin wit ye Captn' Bo.

I may take ye up on that Steel Stallion ride ifin our paths cross.

I must be away now Lad.

Gram'mercy fer the thought of the tingle betwix't me thighs!

Anon! (until we meet again)

:Bunny takes leave of the room with a final sigh:

Bunny Cutlass

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Aye Merry! Ray... take care o' me sweetness 'ere! It be a day that has somethin bad in it fer th' lass an I wishes ta see it better! Sit 'ere and unload on me lass... It may be the only thing I be good for.

Miss Bunny... I'll be sure ta save a ride just fer you lass. Always lookin fer an excuse ta run!

Good day ta ye all! Capt. Bo

Hello.. you have a steel Stallion? Can I ride or can I put the peddle to metal?

varoooooooooommm.. and Ray, just put the drink into a sippee cup for me, I'll be takin the pirate Bo fer a ride!

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Have it yur way M'Lady... It be an offer I'll nay refuse either way fer certain.

This rogue is hopin ye be feelin grand.. I hear tell ye had a good natal day, and I was wishin ta be handy to see ye got good an' DRUNK! Hopes yer local scalawags took care of ye in me absence. :lol:

Been itchin ta ride an goin soon as the rain,(that we BADLY needed), allows! See yer on the plains lass! :)

Capt Bo

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aye, I had a good berthday, I got to play darts, and bowl, and had a few drinks. Some berthday kissies and even one spankie!

I had a good time, but I missed me pirate friends..

and I miss me cycle..... sigh.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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MISSED YER CYCLE!!! :o Be certain it were none of me doins there Lass :(

Have mercy on me soul should word o' THIS e'er get ta Blondiewench! :(

( I hope yer sense o' humor is ok ta poke fun on this... no offense?)

Did ye have one o' yer own? What happened to it? I've two meself, but one is fixin ta go to a new home. It's an oldie but a war horse, and the collector value is just too high for me to hang on when so many other things are needed ta home.

I'll be off ta the sunset, or the sunrise when the weather is more suited to it. If it be that our paths do cross, be certain that there'll be room fer you to ride as well!

Later... Capt. Bo

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LOL.. tis a good sense of humor I have.. some say tis a bit too sharp, but I like the joke. LOL

My little stallion ran into a stationary auto and made a little dent in it. I never did that darn thing agoing right!

Anyway, one day about 9 years later, I noticed I had let my license expire, and then I missed the test questions by 3.. It will take more then a weekend to get it back. MOre like $250 and change.

What war horse did ya have? I have friends with them.. and someone may want to add on to their collections..

til then, I miss my cycle. and I be like a broken typewriter.. (jus kidding)

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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i never welcomed you >.> my memory must be going.


Floria notices the newcomer, grins and pouncehugs him. Such a friendly ball o' fur. "Welcome t'the pub! Tail flicks behind her as she bows.

Aye, pouncehugs. An amazing invention of the furry fandom. B) Here's to ye

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AHHH! A lady rider, me favorite kind! I never have had a License, and I've been riding on the streets since before I was old enough to do so legally. I suppose someday it'll come back to bite me arse!

The old warhorse is a 1971 Honda CB750. Lots of chrome, 16" rear, custom paint, mild 4" os forks. Comes with a parts bike too. I just don't have the time or bucks to spend keeping two bikes around anymore, and I don't want to see it rot away in the garage. If ya knows anyone who'll give it a lovin home, send 'em my way!

Capt. Floria, thakee kindly fer th' warm fuzzy welcome miss, I likes them kinds I do! :)

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