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HALOOO the pub...

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Well I'll be more damned than already I be! This here place be fillin up wi' jacks from allover! :lol:

Good ta see ya both, and I meant what I said ta ye both elswhere in this fine ouse o' Bretheren! Capt. Bo don't speak jus ta hear 'is own voice.

Monterey...Mad... ye both remember well these words I say, for if the time ever comes ye be a needin the services of this 'ere Highwayman and River Rogue... it only takes anod ta yer windward and hell will be comin ta dinner at yer back me lads... NOW DRINK UP ALL O YE! Thar be too much blasted talkin and me rum be turnin back ta molasses!

Capt. Bo

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There be awful scoundrels among the real scoundrels to be sure.

Eye Sees ya take heed ! :ph34r:

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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Fergive me poor manners, mate. 'Tis taken too long fer me t' welcome ye into th' Pub. I'm drynkin' whate'er yer havin'. Jest make sure tharrrr be more than one lined up!


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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No need ta be askin fergivness mate! Tis not the first time I been the new man about. It's the nature of our sort to keep a weather eye out before settin sail, and I'm really not easy to be offended!

Me Mudder lives in Chandler by the way, as I thinks ye stated bein in Arizona. Lived in Mesa and Scottsdale meself back in '81 while workin contsruction on super markets.

Drink up... the Gov'nor's cabinet was mighty generous the last time they made... er, donations to the cause!

Capt. Bo

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Bunny Dangles a Cherry in front o' Mad Jack...


:Drops it into a shot o' Rum:

Drunkin Cherry mayhap? Sounds good, think I be makin myne walk the plank as well!

Cheers Mate!

Ye fellas are going to get this lass Drunk ye keep up the cherry shots!

Captn' bring the Lass aboard.. we could always use more lasses!

and fergive the cautioness, some pyrates can't be trust'd.

Bunny Cutlass

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No need fer appologies Lass...I'd wonder more if ye didn't take care! :)

I'm talkin ta me she mate Blondie at this very minute about settin up shop 'ere. She be a west coast native 'erself, transplanted in "Misery" wi' the likes 'o me.(poor lass!) We're a family affair at the re-enactments and we're kinda shut out of things here in the Ozarks. Ready to come out and play we are! :P

Capt Bo

'ave fun wi' me for chrissake, e says to me. Alrighty then. What's this about cherry shots I be hearin? Or better yet, 'ave a round on me!


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forgive me tardiness in welcom'n ye Capt'n Bo and Blondiewench. I be Scarlet McBayne an I heard tell there were cherrybombs in yer thread....kinda jest wondered in. wink, wink.

Now do ye folks like te dance? we got some fine dancin here on the Pub...er I mean in the Pub. :) Welcome te ye both and ifin ye need anything, ye jest ask fer lil ol Scarlet.

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

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Greetins Miss Scarlet,

So good ta be makin yer aquaintence. Now step up an 'ave yer pleasure on me coin if ye please!

Dancin? I've been told that it's a hangin offence fer this child ta be singin or dancin as me voice is worse than a dyin gull an me step worse than a one legged hippo!

We'll be lookin into a "dummy" fer Blondiewench ta use fer postin 'ere today. Be takin care now, as I must make a ride ta visit the Gov'nor. Me coffer is a gettin dry.

Capt. Bo

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'Merry sashays into the pub and notices someone (freshmeat) buying all a drink.'

Welcome to the bestest and Rummiest pub on the 7 seas. We are a friendly crew, if a bet thirsty.

Capt Bo, put a drambuie on your tab fer me, if able, an I'll listen to your stories fer a while, or a spin around the pub would be grand too!

I am also a pirate of the plains, a corsair of the cornfields, cheers!

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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It would be me pleasure Miss Merry! I've a'ready warned the others that me dancin 'as been compared to a one legged hippo, but if yer willin ta risk it, then let fly the tunes! ;)

And after, it would be me honor ta regail a tale or two if ye pleases. Just ask and I'll answer with all honesty Mum. By th' by... Where in the middle country do ye hail from?

Capt. Bo

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Sighs.. a gent you are! I'll raise me tankard of Drambuie to ya, and listen to your tales on this cold night for a little bit. Me lawn bowling is tonight, and I must be off soon.

as fer your dancing, a jig or two won't kill anyone.. I hope. :)

I am in the mid of John Deere land, but I do have friends in OK. I was hoping to go to Muskogee last year but me ride had some troubles.

so tell me more about your travels........

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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With pleasure Miss Merry... I be camped between the two big lakes 'ere in "misery",(Mo.), and travel the big rivers mostly, the Missouri and Mississippi, and can be found wanderin into the french fot Du Chartres, and cousin Nathan Boones home near Defiance, Mo. Ive been doing mostly F&I, and Rev War events fer the past eight years, and have decided to expand me horizons and try me hand at pyracy fer a spell. Mind ye I'm just dippin the toes here, but so far likin what I'm seein. It be a family affair, me she-mate blondiewench and arr three offspring- ages 5, 7 , an 14. We all particicpate, and are lookin ta come out an play wi' some friendly folk. Me Missus has cleared me fer sailin these waters and it's OK ta make freindly as long as i don't stray from home port! :wacko:

Don't wish ta make ye late, but ask what ye will. I've got time on my hands.

Capt. Bo

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Looks at the clock on the bar.. dang..

well the she-lass is a gooden fer letting you play with us. Tell her she's grand, and I'll buy her a drink from RAY. You might want to add that to your signature iffen ya want to be sure. Us lasses tend to play hard sometimes in fun.

Misery you say? I did almost make that faire this year. I was sooooooooo close to going. :) I hope to this year. I'd be happy to raise a tankard with ya both.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Bunny Dangles a Cherry in front o' Mad Jack...


:Drops it into a shot o' Rum:

Drunkin Cherry mayhap? Sounds good, think I be makin myne walk the plank as well!

Cheers Mate!

Ye fellas are going to get this lass Drunk ye keep up the cherry shots!

Captn' bring the Lass aboard.. we could always use more lasses!

and fergive the cautioness, some pyrates can't be trust'd.

Ye caught me a bit off guard there, lass. Of course, I be fond o' cherries! Tyin' the stems into knots with me tounge, and savouring the tastes... What were we talkin' about?! <_<:wacko:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Tis all right luv, plenty or replenish'd cherries in this pub t' go round!

Pardon me ignorance ma'am....how d' ye...um.....replenish a cherry?


Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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