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Piratical ARRRRtists?

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Most of mine, be photographic or graphic art in nature. Photos and my portfolio be not online yet.


"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"


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Katarina, I'd love t'see yer artwork. Give it over, girl! Show us what ye got!

I be postin' a couple new pieces here in the near future, soon as I gets them finished (the dam things be vexin' me...) Ah such is the tortured life of the artist.

Now I understands what's with all the insanity and cutting off of ears...

In the meantime, try these links:



Not to pass up the opportunity to be in league with many of "the masters" I accepted an offer to imbibe absinthe the other night. Tasty. OOo! Now I'm a REAL artist! lol

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

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Beautiful work mates! I've always loved photography, but find I never really gets around te taking great pictures... Meself, I work with lots o' different mediums, like plain pencil, pen, pencil and watercolor, acryllic paints, and I work with my Painter 7 program on me pc. I don't have an online gallery o' my own yet.. though I do have one on an online fantasy gallery- it seems te be down at the moment...

But! I gots me friend to host this one picature fer ya all. <_<


"Dum Spiro Spero"- "While I breathe, I hope"

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Wow, Katarina, that is quite a powerful piece.

What, may I ask, was the inspiration for it?

Keep up the good work, lass.



Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

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I had the desire to create some stuff with pen, and each picture in a square/rectangle to create the framing effect, and I had written the beginning of a short story that was much like Dante's Inferno... And I just felt like illustrating a part of it. I think it was basically that the girl killed herself while her love was dying, and because god frowned upon that, she was forced to be dragged across the river styx. But then she jumps out and starts a journey with a fellow escapee, to try and reunite with him, despite god frowning upon such an act. I never finished the story though.. but oh well. I like the picture. :unsure:

And Thankee. B)

"Dum Spiro Spero"- "While I breathe, I hope"

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Back in the my younger days, I used to draw all the time, almost exclusively in pencil or pen and ink, although I sculpted a few items... time just doesn't seem to allow for it much any more... however, you are a great artist, as well as story teller, Katarina! Keep it up! And Nige, you know I've always admired your work... good to go, mates!!


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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Thankee. :unsure:

I'm actually working on a short comic with a pirate character, though she's in another world, so there's lots o' fantasy stuff. (she has cat ears and a flying furry companion) I have the basis of the story written out but I still have to decide on whether to do the actual comic on the computer, or with pencil and pen...

"Dum Spiro Spero"- "While I breathe, I hope"

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Awesome, Katarina! Um, could we persuade you to post some of the comic, when you finish it? It sounds great!


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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Sure! :unsure: Basically it starts with her in a small holding cell, due to a misunderstanding with her companion in a bar the night before. She ends up escaping and trying to make her way back to her ship, except that in the daylight she can't quite find her bearings, and she is also starving. Heheh. She then ends up running into a boy who was trying to pick her pocket and he ends up just tagging along and being annoying and keeps giving away her position to the local authorities who she escaped from. It's a rather short story that's really an introduction to greater adventures.

"Dum Spiro Spero"- "While I breathe, I hope"

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Thanks fer the compliments, all.

Black Deacon, I am intrigued by the photo of the cowboy hat, eerily suspended in the air. Tell us the story....

I have heard talk of "the vanishing cowboy" in this day and age, but....

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

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I be somethin' of an artist. I jes' don' have a SCANNER. Mos'ly I do photo manipulations now 'cause o' that purpose. I have a DeviantArt account. Nothin's in it currently 'cause I'm lazy an' a little bit stupid. Ye can find me account here.

I'm also doing a lot of research on coat-of-arms for different families, particularly Irish ones, an' I'm in the midst of makin' a Pyrate family crest for all ye to share. B) With credit do yer dear sweet Kate, of course.

"Oh, never, never, never again,

If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten.

I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up

After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up."

~"Johnny Jump Up" -Gaelic Storm

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."

-Sigmund Freud (on the Irish)

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A fine piece of work lass. Fine indeed. Perhaps you'd take a commission? Since we both be in CT. maybe we could chat and come up with a deal. Pax?


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

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Great work, KP! :ph34r:

Too bad there's nothing in yer account, Katie Nameless. I love looking through deviantart.

Scupper- Thankee very much. :huh: I'd be right honored to do a commission for ye. *bows* Send me a private message and I'd be more than happy to talk about it.

"Dum Spiro Spero"- "While I breathe, I hope"

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I be an arrrtist (professionally, I might add). Here be one of me pieces. Tis a logo fer Tale of the Seven Seas.

I've got other stuff, as well.

Damn, Redd, I finally get t' see yer work, and right bully it is, too. I be impressed, and I'm surly and downright hard to please.


Plus, it's Monday marnin' and I'm late fer class. Me coffee is tepid and weak, wi' nary a drop o' rum in sight.


Now walk the plank, ye upstarts!


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

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  • 2 months later...

Seeing as the thread got started up agin', I thought I'd throw somethin' in the mix too.

Just finished this 'un a few days ago... and fer the record, furries pay many an outrageous shilling fer art. Still... who can pass up usin' Jack an' Don Karnage, that infamous sky pirate, all in one pic, aye? :huh:

Pirate Booty?

Hope ye's likes it :huh:

Good Plunderin', me lovelies!


"Ah, the city.. with all it's people and their accumulated wealth, yes?"




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Nice work, William Red Wake! Very nice work indeed. What medium are you using?

Dreamie, you just get better all the time. Who is this Don Karnage you speak of? I am unfamiliar with these "Sky Pirates" and would be interested in checking them out.

(btw, I need to get with you on that project we were discussing.)

Capt. Scurvy Dog, I think I recognize the person in the picture.....Saw him just a few days ago.

Now walk the plank, ye buncha upstarts!


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

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Dreamie, you just get better all the time. Who is this Don Karnage you speak of? I am unfamiliar with these "Sky Pirates" and would be interested in checking them out.

It's a disney cartoon from the late eighty's early ninty's . the main charecter is Ballue the bear (jungle book) and he runs a sea plane service. (higher for hire). they do reruns on the disney channel if i remember right.

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