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After Festival Report

Cheeky Actress

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First of all, a HUGE thank you to Blackbeards crew and all the crew's for the hard work and effort in giving us a pirate festival we can be proud to be a part of. Captain Pern, it was a pleasure spending the day sailing with you. Least I forget Dutch. You got me good :) I owe you one.

To Captain Sterling and the crew of the Archangel. There is no one I would rather spend 3 days in the mud with. You guys are the absolute best friends and family a pirate hunter could ask for.

To the Boneys, You all should be so proud of the work you've done on your kits. You looked wonderful. As always, the time spent with you is a gift of love, laughter and friendship. I miss you all and can't wait to see you guys again.

Mama, Papa and the crew of the Sacred Heart. What more can I say than I love you guys.

One of the highlights of the festival for me, was the capture of 2 long guns from the marines. hehehe. As Cheeky stated, I took the "sweet and innocent" approach on the first one. I struck up a conversation with the marine about guns and told him my interest in purchasing one. And that I was concerned about my height and the ability to handle the gun safely. So, I asked him if I could hold it to check out the length. Voila. Capture of gun number one. The second gun is a harrowing tale and a lady never tells her secrets.

Thank you all for a wonderful weekend.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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Now now now Bess. I can't just go blabbing my secrets for all to hear. One never knows when this skill may come in handy again. ;)

Very well...(shrug... ;) ), but perhaps you will share your secret with me after my indenturship is over with. I be looking for a husband soon enough.


Bess Hagarty - Indentured Servant

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I have to say that the camps keep getting bigger and better every year we are there. You all out did yourselves!

Great to see some of our old friends and to meet some of the folks from Pyracy (who had time to stop for 2 minutes and talk).

We had a lot of fun Sunday 'branding' kids and some parents with the Pyracy P ( ink of course).

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

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A memorable moment: When Rusty Nell and Bess the indentured servant were about the harbor marketplace on Saturday morning and they befriended a British Marine. Bess made inquiries about his rank and position…and I could have made this up…

"I am just a lowly Pirate…" (Ooops, I think he meant to say "Private" but he seemed to have been distracted by Nell for some reason

Nell and Bess just looked at each other and ran with the moment. They quickly alerted the Sergeant about there being dissention in the ranks….It was very interesting to see a British Marine back-peddle so quickly to save his hide!

Okay you lot....Let's hear your memorable moments.....Tell 'em here if you got them!

ROTDLMAO!!! :unsure:

Oh, I bet that was a hell of a sight to behold.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Who had time?

Yes, you are right. Between getting dressed, eating before the skits, cleaning up, setting up living history areas, running about to find 'said missing stool and Flag' and other things going on...you do have a good point!

Member of "The Forsaken"

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As always, Cheeky, ye and Sterling look mah-valous. :huh:

Fine coat ye have there, Sterling. Mighty fine. Might want t' keep that one close and hidden. Might come up missing. :)

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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I wonder if Pern found his surprise? ;)

Would this be a good surpirse or a bad surprise, Lily?

It's a good surprise ;)

The "item" that came home with Edward and I, after PIP, has now been passed on to the next pirate. I'm glad to have it out of my closet. Once I know Pern has found said "item", I'll elaborate. ;)

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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Speaking of good surprises

Here is a link to the Lobsterback Society...and look who's posted on the front page!!!

(Shaking finger at Lily and RustyNell)

Look to the left of the page, and don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to see it!

Edited by Cheeky Actress

Member of "The Forsaken"

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The Captain and Mistress Lilly McKinney - showing themselves in their finery.


capt. sterling,

is that a new coat ?? (haven't seen it before this fest ) i rather fancy the embroidery... did you do that yourself ?? and.... what fabric did you use ?? --- planning my future projects :)

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Speaking of good surprises

Here is a link to the Lobsterback Society...and look who's posted on the front page!!!

(Shaking finger at Lily and RustyNell)

Look to the left of the page, and don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to see it!

It's about time they admitted to there shame. :D

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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