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About MadL

  • Birthday 11/24/1961

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    Where ever I need ta be
  • Interests
    I like pirates, ye got a problem with that?

    Blame me mu'm, she the one who decked me room out like a captain's cabin an' that be what I grew'd up in. Also me pa fer he built boats when I was but a wee lad. Later they ran off an' joined the carnivals, so I learn ta be a scalawag from the best.

    I like weapons, some that go BOOM, and always sharp shiny ones.

    I work with computers, currently contracted to hire by Xerox, their engineers [I]Need[/I] all the help they can get, this is fer sure! But I also have taught the Microsoft Certification course for a private contact school, an' spent 4 years working third level support at Earthlink before that scalawag Sky jumped ship an' let it go down.

    They call me Mad L cuz, well, cuz many think I be mad, mad as a hatter they say but that only because they never jumped from a perfectly good airplane....over a thousand times. They also call me Mad L cuz I don't much like dogs n' cats, but I like things with scales and teeth, even the venomous ones for they be quit tasty when roasted over an open flame....even bet'r wit rum! They also call me Mad L, well, cuz very few know how to say me sir name properly, so in the military they give up and just call me "Mad L"

    Oh, an' I dabble in the arts, computer 3D arts that be. Thar they all think I be mad, I do me best to make sure they all know I be mad. I have fun run'n amok as a pirate monkey character and makin' the moderators thar go bald. Several times the moderators try ta toss me o'r board, but the crew say will have none o' that now ;\

    So, I like pirates, ye got a problem with that?

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