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Pirate Seika

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Everything posted by Pirate Seika

  1. after about the 15 ale... yarrr likely to see many apparitions.... without much help....
  2. oh look see... seems we got the men in a tizzy... imagine that...lol
  3. wow... this sounds like so much fun... can't wait to be there for the first time...
  4. Welcome aboard... i'll have a rum if ye arrrr buyin...
  5. here's the reality of spirits from my experience... they don't have an hour.. they can be active anytime of the day or night.. although we generally will not notice their activity during the day due to all the noise and commotion of everyday activities... we tend to think they are more active at night because that is when our subconscious is most prominent when we sleep and are moving in and out of Rem... we become more open to what is happening around us through subconscious perception... the witching hour varies depending on cultural background... gypsies tend to believe it is at 1am.. others 3 am... again i can only go from my experiences.. where most of the activity took place around 3:33am.... strange but true...
  6. i would for sure..... i've been on many of them in the past.. i actually used to be a guide for the Toronto Ghost Walk at Casa Loma and Spadina House several years back... loads of fun!!!!
  7. lol... ya it can get pretty intense... that bodice lacing... we used to get crowds of guys hangin about my henna booth.. cause some of my younger assistants would be constantly sinching themselves into their bodices as tightly as possible.. and then the fluffing of the boobs etc... it was quite comical...
  8. Gyrates... i resemble that remark..lol i'm a gypsy and a pirate and i belly dance... but i have not heard the term Gyrate... lets hope it doesn't stick.... i call myself the Gypsy Pirate Seika.... Gypsy Pirate Seika
  9. toss 'em overboard instead...
  10. lol... i understand sea water is good for washing out u're odds and sods...
  11. can't really put me finger (the good one.. that i still be usin) on the exact time in me life... but i've been a scallywag at heart me whole life... just kinda took to it natural like... i became an all out pirate about 20 yrs ago at various faires... and now.. me Cap'n John and I traverse the globe lookin for adventure on the high seas as a livin.... sometimes good other times not.. but... yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me....
  12. lol... how bout goin to extent of makin yarrr own 100% natural fibre clothing and hand stitchin for authenticity... do yarr think that be to much? lol
  13. haunted ... hmmmm.. now that's got me interested peaked... i'm all for a good haunting....
  14. yaarrrr... u can find me actin the skalliwag at many an event... lol.. but a rather condensed version be at gypsyseika i be belongin to Hurricane's wonderful group The Pyrates of the Coast as well...
  15. nice lanterns.. perhaps Hurricane if u would be so kind as to add a couple more to the 1680 group for Cap'n John and Pirate Seika..
  16. i didn't catch that episode.. but i find those guys and gals oddly amusing.. hey it's a show and entertainment... i do like they fact that they blow stuff up all the time though...
  17. glad to see all yaaarrrr sorry faces again... thought maybe some scalliwag had gone and pillaged the site... makin off with all me new pyrate friends
  18. Welcome aboard matie... if ye be buyin.. i'll have me a rum...
  19. lol.. on me penguins and their multitude of injuries...
  20. Well, actually Christmas is not really when he was born either. It's a pagan holiday until the Christians decided to change things hundred of years ago. Good Friday is when he supposedly died and then Easter Sunday is when he rose. Yeah, okay, anyway......it's not exactly been proven when he was born, some have thought some time in the spring. Eh, whatever, lol! DOB for jesus.. is believed to be in early june sometime... which would oddly enough still be spring.. and no where near the pagan celebration of yule..lol
  21. Easter... the other day driving home i said to my pirate man... Easter.. isn't that Jesus b-day? i know it's not... but my brain has been so scrambled lately ... i'm not Christian... i'm Buddhist.. but having a degree in Religious History u'd think i'd have realized what i was saying... he just laughed and said... like the good Anglican he is... ahhh.. no babe.. that's Christmas... lol anyway... Happy Easter to all who celebrate
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