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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. put me down for Setting up something....weapons...prettiest Pirate...fighting on board ships...dunno ...but i will be loud about something!?!?
  2. heya Baracuda.... the next actual event in Illinois will be in Chicago in February http://www.reenactorfest.com/Reenactor_Fest/Home.html more of a convention than an event....but a really good place to meet up with fellow pirate reenactor enthusiates come in your finest...everyone their seems to like to show off their garb...and the after hours shinaigans are not to be missed!! we of the Forsaken shall be in attendance...along with a few other Midwest baised Pirate groups...come and look us up (hint: many folks there do more than one timeline...so you might have to show up more than 1 day to see everyone in pirate garb...even in our own midst we have Russian WWII, WildWest,CivalWar,Highlanders,Gangster and Pyrate as well) its also a great place to pick up extras for your impressian...from garb to incidentals to patterns and fabric....and a lot of knowledgeable people dying to tell you all they know!! (ps...im the one on the front page with the chamber pot on his head) see ya there...i'll let ya buy me a drynk
  3. just found out i'm a namesake!?!?

  4. Dang it...now its done.... Many of you know now that i have been goin under the monicur of a Welsh man named M.A.d'Dogg for awhile now....kinda of a tongue and cheeck version of a nickname i got over 20 years ago at my first re-enactment ( a drooling problem i had with a new beard...ahem) anyways.... been working on a Genealogy Project for some many a year now.....and just last night ran into an ancestors name, seems i am a descendant of one Madog Ap Ieuan of Wales (1340-1396) who knew this was just an olde family name!??! HAHA!!!....sorry just thought it was interesting...you may now go back to whatever you were doing
  5. why dont Pyrates cry by themselves?....otherwise ti would be a Private-Teer...!?!?

  6. Hey Beowoulf, these are from Loyalist Arms in Eastern Canada.... A convenient link to the page, about a third of the way down. I would strongly recommend going back and reading most if not all of this topic before buying them, as many have had mixed experiences with these shoes. Personally, I own two pairs, and love them both... Others have not had as much luck. So read a lot, and make an informed decision. There are other options mentioned during the thread you may want to consider as well. ask Micheal how MINE fit...i wouldnt know...he pirated em afore me. they take awhile to get in....i ordered 2 pair at the same time...old style smooth brown....and Newer Smooth Black....got the first brown in 5 monthes....nver got the second pair(somehow Micheal ended up wit em)...and they made it right by sending me the Second Pair(at a discount) 12 monthes from ordered date..... but i like em both....definately measure twice(or 5 times) with a thick pair of hose..loose better than tight on theses bad boys was thinkin about their Bucket Boots(for another impression) by the same maker...anyone ever get em?
  7. dang it...noone brought one back did they??...friggan figures...first year i miss it...first year i make the poster
  8. See, maybe you shoulda been there to get it! unfortunately the world conspired against me...it would have been difficult at best for me o attend this year even without prior committments....ahem.... so back on topic....anyone go on the "Ghost Walk" this year??....any pics form it??
  9. Dang...i would have found that one too....dang it
  10. WOT !?!?....i was a Poster down there??...where did ya find it? behind a dumpster somwhere?!?
  11. I beleive the overall goal for everyone concerned is to have a Long and Lasting and Profitable Festival that would allow us all a place to come and play. The only reason(or should be the only reason) anyone here is pointing out flaws is not to push blame on anyone who has spent blood and tears and a considerble amount of money and time to bring all this together...but to find away to fill the "cracks" of the overall event to make it increasingly beter every year for everyone concerned....if i am mistakin here i appologise...but i know my intentions are only to improve this event and have always been so...tho the world seemed to conspire against me to keep me away this year...(3 out 4 aint bad)...i still plann on lending my support in anyway allowed. It is a Hurculean task at best to cordinate this event(s)...and my condolences and appreciation goes to those with the task...i know it to be a labor of love...so thank you. My first year had a Shuttle to pick up those at the Fort to walk in the Parade...fantastic Pirate Olympics were held inside the fort to bring other PiPsters inside the Fort...worked well i the year nearly the whole "Encampment" cleared out and ran down to the "Walk the Plank Competion"...as it should be in my Humble opinion(there i go using that word again)...i would love to see more "bridging the Gap" between the events...of course i know ther are alot of concessions rules and other powers that be that have to be accomplished as well... posssibly a shcedule of ALL events be passed/posted for all attendees of all events....istead of just one or the other!?!?...tho i have to give Props to Hurricane, who (as his name sake) was very loud and prolific this year getting out the word....but i would like to see the overall goal of everyone , Pirates all, to take a lesson from one pyrate in paticular who has seemed to make it his "MISSION" to frequent many if not all of the local Haunts of KeyWest from Local eatteries to other Events and goings on while still maintaining a presesnce at the Fort... to end this idle rambling...just like to thank you all who sweated and bled for this Event in paticular...and the other un-sung Heroes who truly embrase the idea of a truly inclusive Pirate Comunnity...as well a raise and live the Manta of KeyWest itself HUZZAH, HUZZAH...wheres the RUM!! (end of the rambling)...damn i wish i was there this year....quick...someone invite me back down for next year!!
  12. The Bone Island Buccaneers were under contract to run the Fort Taylor event for the Friends of Fort Taylor and is used as a fundraiser for the rebuilding of the Fort. The Bone Island Buccaneers never owned the event. They held the contract from 2007-2009. not quite the point i was making ...but thank you for the detailed correction...
  13. this has been discussed in the past... ...somewhere....anyway....it really comes down to OWNERSHIP of the events. in point....if Both events were owned by one entity...one name for the event...but as it stands....PiP and the Name is owned and run by Julie and Finbar(others??)....and the Fort Invasion is owned and run by the Freinds of Fort Taylor(Originally by the Boney's for profit i believe??) and hence the devision of the 2 names. yes i agree....things would be ever so lovely and easier on US(the pirates)...if an accord could ever be reached 'tween the two entities to share the name we have all come to use so offhandely and strengthen their Marketing capabilities and work as one...to include something for EVRY PIRATE UNDER THE SUN....but til then...the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion takes place durring the Pirates in Paridise Festival at the Fort. In my head...like so many of us(hence the slipps of the tongue) take advantage of all the Key West has to offer while we are their....for 3 years(sans this year) i have "Lived" in the period encampment at the Fort while partaking in the Parade...Pub Crawl...Wolf..Ghost Walk...and yes the dear to my heart International Walk the Plank Champoinship...BTW..congrats Klaus...2 more years and we'll go Head to Head!! It is hard for me to split the two entities in my head...because for me...i can not see having one without the other...and both are dear to me. so to this i suggest(humbly..dont smirk, i can be humble)...to list the two seperatly...but every year make it our Goal to bring the two closer together...as in my first year...when we all talked about the "Pirate Family" that we experienced where EVERY Pirate from newbie,old timer,reenactor, pirate enthusiast,muscian...shared in the love and respect of all things Piraty...and came home better for it!! am i rambling?...i think i am rambling...dang i hated to miss this year....Love you all!!....wheres me rum
  14. a TROPHEY!?!?!?...son of a..... dang ole retirement...
  15. Rode a Sea Turtle, played with a StingRay, 'Restled a Moray Eel, was chased by a Serpent in Hell and shook the hand of the Devil hisself....and still found the time to Drynk wit some Pyrates...Grand Cayman..was even invited back!?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. madPete


      Well... at least one part was true (found time to drynk)

    3. LadyBarbossa


      I'm more interested in what he and the stingray played. Hide and seek? Cards? Shakespeare?

      ~Lady B

    4. CharityRackham


      Nice and I'm with Lady Barbossa.

  16. Seems i won this here trip...but was wondering if i would spy a fellow PuB-ster on the Islands next week? http://www.piratesweekfestival.com/ if'n i spot ya there...i'll let ya buy me a Drynk!!
  17. #3.....VERY IMPORTANT.....Garden of Eden...AFTER 11pm.... ...repeat....AFTER 11pm....too early...and well its just not the same....is it Wobble!?!?
  18. Next Weekend in the Cayman Islands Pirate Invasion!!!...who else is going?? anyone? anyone??

    1. LadyBarbossa


      Wish I could be there. Have fun for me though.

      ~Lady B

    2. Cheeky Actress

      Cheeky Actress

      Is it here already? My word..you two have fun!

  19. i think that guy follows me around!!
  20. a moment of silence for our fallen brethern.....

  21. our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of our fallen brethern...he will be missed
  22. so since the subject has been brought up..... does anyone have a good list of period tavern songs? period work chanties? instruments appropriate for either? songs/instruments that inappropraite for period? i am "musically illiterate" and would like to be pushed in the right direction....
  23. our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family....please let us know what we can do to help.
  24. so what are you guys?? pirates? privateers? or something else? answer:....yes
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