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  1. Relaxed and much the better/happier for blowing bloody hell outta some targets. The mate and I went to the local gun range and proceeded to give the people there a show on the use and 'accuracy' of blunderbusses. Knocked over one target and the lead spatter that was melted into the surface brought a smile to me lips. 'Twas a sight, 200 grains black powder and 10 .50 cal roundshot down the muzzle. Yes, we live-fire our weapons...to keep our hand in for repelling borders, ye understand.
  2. Either bring lots of water or keep buckets handy. Last time there, a certain crew 'bogarted' one of the main water spigots.
  3. I do like the manner in which Tiger Lee does his photos...yet if he would open up some of his shots for those ladies of a Rubenesque figure, I believe he'd be surprised. The Husband scowles every time he looks at his calenders and mutters, "Ptha, nuthin' but stick insects."
  4. Evidently no-one's heard of drumming up local sponsorship.
  5. ...noooo.....didn't need me reading specs fer that missive!
  6. ....well...at least the lake be cleaner than the blue sauna-huts... (Cringing at the thought of someone's past fishing-after-dropped-camera incident... )
  7. 'kin 'ell! Another event to pencil into me charts when we be heading north now and again ta visit family! Cheers!
  8. Keep a 'blast-eye' fer Limey Toe's Up with his 'hand cannon' an' meself with me 'lady's hand-cannon' givin' ye grief from shore, Pearl! It be a new 'aquisition'...me former vict--erm--client had no more use fer it...he he he he
  9. Oh, 'tis not a matter fer jest, Iron Lady. The husband was seein' blood! Discussin' such things as 'red-neck' fishing tactics--only pitchin' the lit sticks o' dynamite 'INTO' the ignorant bastages boats! Indeed, there were others on the dock who were furious over the going's on of the 'Great American Boat Fishermen'.
  10. Aye, the surgery was in full swing at Ojai. Was terrorizing and horrifying parents and tykes with bloody, gore-spattered relish. Indeed, the look on one mother's face as her young lad came racing up with a hand-ful of fake blood and a squishy eyeball was priceless! LMAO! And for the first encampment of the season, it was a tade exhausting. And to our honorable guests Sunday evening, BHP and her man, expect a mini porta-pit to put in an appearance! ....too, was heard round the skuttle-butt that due poor placement of vendors vs. musical entertainment, the vendor lost out--coin for his lively-hood lost for being considerate. The winds at Ojai have changed, and not for the better in me humble opinion. The husband would have gladly used his blunderbuss on several of the ignorant and ill-mannered boaters who seemed more intent on making as much noise as possible while attempting to 'fish'.
  11. It all depends on what manner of work-week I've had. Though, I've been known to go from comfortably drunk to stone-cold sober when someone needs transport to emergancy facilities...
  12. It's not that I lack personality until me blood-level of coffee reaches it's proper level, 'tis that I have no Civility. And that be why the husband brings me a cup the minute he hears the alarm go off...similar to throwing raw meat to a savage animal...
  13. Sod that fer a game o' soldiers! I prefer me man in what he wore at birth!
  14. Another rum for those who like good rums, give Santa Teresa a try! http://www.polishedpalate.com/press/santa-teresa.html
  15. I perfer me pyrate man ta have strong hands and "knows" Just how ta use 'em--as me man does! Indeed, he Does!
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