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Capt. Sterling

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Posts posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. So are there still any spaces for vendors left? Can you have Grace get in touch with me? Rob and I just bought what was Deborah's Pantry, selling period food items (teas, chocolate, spices, sweetmeats, among other useful things).


    OH well done ye... wishing ye much success with this..

  2. Try as you might, you probably won't get many of the 'proper addresses' from members of the Mercury.

    You'll get some improper ones. Some fine, well chosen and memorable addresses. I still remember some from years back. The improper ones stand the test of time like a good scar gifted with a good knife intimately.

    Oh I reckoned as much...t'is always nice, though, to have someone get it right for the sake of the crowds...

  3. It does not matter who ye take her from, what matters is what ye do with her after ye have her...

    ye could have taken her from the queen of Sheba...if ye do not take the necessary steps to return her to her owners, yer actions could still be judged as pyracy....and just for the record, the proper address fer the time from would be ' your honour', not necessarily a lord presiding over the court session ..

  4. The Archangel Crew will be serving as King's Men and trying members of the Mercury at FTPI next week, so I'm also compiling lists of 'ships taken' by the Mercury. To make matters easy I've been drawing on the names list we originally drew from when coming up for a name for the brig-sloop. This is a list of some of the Spanish Galleons (and names of crew) we've taken over the years...

    Spanish Galleon - Centurión

    Bortolo Abascal, Capitán

    Philip Lantigua, Maestre

    Antonio Martinez, Contramestre

    Gabriel Adame, Dispensero

    Spanish Galleon - Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo (Our Lady of Good Counsel)

    Agustín Martinez, Guardian

    Alonso Trujillo, Armero

    Spanish Galleon - Delfín (Dolphin)

    Giulio Guartem, Capitán

    Juan Garcia, Piloto

    Juan Olivares, Dispensero

    Spanish Argosy - Cuatro Hermanas (Four Sisters)

    Alonso Cardona, Capitán

    Rocco Bonito, Maestre

    Spanish Galleon - Peregrino (Peregrine)

    Alessandro Gaspar, Capitán

    Pedro el Cano, Escribano

    Giraldo Sena, Marienero

    Blas Valdez, Page

    Spanish Galleon - Galeon Próspero (Prosperous)

    Marco do Soto, Capitán

    Juan Ballesteros, Companero de Pilot

    Hernán Fuentes, Codestable

    Luis Vicini, Capellan

    Hernán Rosario, Marienero

    Carlos Mejia, Marienero

    Francisco Brugal, Marienero

    Benito Hache, Marienero

    Bernadino Ramos, Marienero

    There are many more, but I'm still compiling. It's given me a rare opportunity to research given names and surnames of Spain for the period. I'm also going to throw in a few daring escapes and stalemates, so that our history has some variety, such as being run off by a third rate English warship 'Adamant' while taking an English Cutter that was just taken by the Spanish two days before that. I'll also include being attacked by pirates, since pirates attacked other pirates. I'll add some stalemated battle with pirates out of the Isthmus of Panama.

    Ah the English cutter, now that would get my attention ...I could not give a damn over how many Spanish ships ye have harassed

  5. Any chance this will be done prior to this weekend as mention was made of getting such information to me as soon as possible? I need to write examinations, depositions, etc..etc...

    Richard Southard, pronounced "south-erd" as opposed to "suth-erd". Called by his crew, "Cap'n Richard." I think that the title with the first name connects the crew, while Cap'n Southard might be a bit too formal for a pyrate crew. Of course if we are a privateer crew in good standing, then the address would have been more formal. If a privateer crew with "slipped" papers or a couple of sketchy captures it could go either way.

    Well, I've been doing some work on the background of Capn' Richard Southard (pronounced South-erd) for the upcoming paperwork and materials to be used at trial. I'm currently making 'bills of lading' and 'letters of marque' for our good captain. Nothing overtly dramatic, but detailed papers that can be used as props for education and dramatic demonstrations. I think Capn' Richard should be a simple man of the sea, firmly set with roots in the working class.

  6. fwit, Bo, the 'angels are traveling in caravan mostly down the east coast. We are leaving from VA late Wednesday afternoon/early evening and driving straight through, picking up members along the way down...

    I'm just off I-95 about 6 hours north of Key West. I'd like to join up with your caravan on the way down. I'll have an extra seat in the car and room in the trailer if anyone further south needs a ride or help with transporting equipment.

    By all means Iron Jon, we would be most honoured to have yer company. I shall send along a pm with information that should be of assistance in this endeavor...

  7. fwit, Bo, the 'angels are traveling in caravan mostly down the east coast. We are leaving from VA late Wednesday afternoon/early evening and driving straight through, picking up members along the way down. I honestly don't know if it would be worth your meeting up with us some where, it may not prove to be the most direct route for you, but you are more than welcome to do so...traveling in a pack would at least give you some safety in the idea that someone would be around that could at least get ye off the road and to the neareast gas station to find help if worse came to worst... just a thought, if interested message me.

  8. wow...


    If that's directed at my last comments (and it's not clear so I'm just guessing), I've noticed that everyone does this; most people just don't admit it to themselves.

    I love hanging around with a lot of the people in pirate reenacting - some of them are the best (and most generous) folks I think I've met. I love learning about them and writing about them and hanging out with them. However, once I stop reenacting, I recognize that I will go on to some new interest where I will meet new people and those folks will do likewise. It's human nature.

    How many of the people from your last personally engrossing endeavor with which you're no longer involved are you still good friends with? (Not casual acquaintances, good friends.) How about the endeavor before that? I'll bet it's one or two people. Sure, I get in touch with some of my friends from the past every once in a while, but we do different very things now so it's more of an acquaintanceship.

    couldn't agree more... people change, move on and life takes em in different directions... although fortunately I have managed to remain good friends with more than one or two ....

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