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Everything posted by oderlesseye

  1. oh I can yak wit the weassle jest not make passes at you ar others couse I have reconsidered the fact that it don't honor my marriage..
  2. 1) I resolve to give up tring to be perfect 2) I resolve to not flirt wit the wenches in here. I started posting here cause My interest in GAOP anyways. So party on gents.. 3) Like Patrick Hand I WILL formulate a goal and plan for finances.
  3. eyes aha new pic here. I love that smudge tool cause I'm not a professional like some here in da pub. It gives me a style all to my own. a variation for the wenches... This was a photo of myself which I made into a scary lookin fellow wit photshop.
  4. Eyes Just did this one... The wenches here drove him to lunacy
  5. Nice Rat... Ok noww , Don't hurt me... Run Forest ! Run!
  6. Diego Sir kindly keep this up ifin ya please so i'll remember ta x-mark me calender fer settin course ta plunder Vegas and faire.
  7. Eyes went to the desert and we found this.. Chistmas day. link
  8. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate said Holiday.. Funny those whom prefer "holiday" don't seem to relize the Word refers to HOLY_DAYS... hhhhmm . So much fer political correctness arguments..
  9. 1. EVOLUTION And EYES has an opinion on the reanactment stuff.. I thinks it is important to the re-anactor to be acurate fer him/herself yet to whom you re-enact, a group of kids will have not thought of; less care about "how your holster is held together" The experience of the event of re-enacting seems to be what children or even EYE ( fake pyrate ) would take awaye anyways... MR. Fox- back to gettin on topic... To answer your question from my narrow slice of the pie.. Me thinks that If an educated guess is taught as fact, then it is over the line. Seems obvious enough to me ... An exclaimer ought be clairified to present the truth as itis known rather than as we (subjectively) want it known..
  10. Christmas is a lie ! mY pARENTS LIED ABOUT SANTA- Society (western) Promotes the buying and selling of stuff so ya can "give the obligitory Gift ." But THats Secular in nature and harmful to the wallet. KInd words through-out the year to the person you say you love will go far more than giftwrap suprise; unless it's lot's of money. Twisted -maybe but not crazy as Eye See what others are doin as mention in previous post on this thread. I bought My wife a printer for the occasion And said to her Merry Christmas- and the next was F- Christmas... I hate the lies.. Christmas is suposed to be Christ birthday,so why not buy him a gift.. but then again his birthday is in June or JUly last I heard on discovery channel.. So what the hell aree we celabrating... a lie? And Poeple get deppressed, drunk, take themselves out for a Lie? Man I gots to shake my head when I think about that one cause half the plannet don't share in this insanity anyhow.. I think I'll sit this one out in the quiet desert wit my wife and her brand new printer unplugged....
  11. I dig on art the has movement and brings out the expression of the momment (emotion) bein comunicated like fer instance Remingtons works in the 1800's of the west, especially the bronse of cowboy on horseback goin down a steep hill. Eyes Think it worthy to mension A guy that posts here and does pirate paintings. He just resently had one on -e- bay I wished I had the money for. Josh Red is the Man!
  12. eyes ain't as cultured as yer -r-.. jus wanta say eahhh... never seen a newbie thread tak on a life of it's own like this.. Is this gonna be yer home page?
  13. Thanx fer the post mate.. that was good done in da world...
  14. Eyes ah PYrate An welcomes ye LADY "pirate" wit me Balck heart have not looking glass to see that far beins me lookin glass is me Black heart....
  15. NEy there be no ill will here and yer opinion is welcome as is anyones.. As fer my pay per view crack Eye's simply thinks it's nothin new,, THe Romans did it for centrys... :) Ever heard of the collumcium? arrr my spellin hearts...
  16. My chips on the table.. And I might add make it pay per view so the proceeds can go to the victims family to pay for there burial cost. Dieing in America is a big Industrty all around.. It cost my family, and we had no insurance,near $8000.00 to bury my 20 yr old brother.. 2yrs. ago.. Eyes think the system is backwards in that It's called "The CriMinal Justice Sytem" Why not the victims justice system ? As for those whom would rather Jail than execute, It's my opinion that those persons ought be burdened wit the taxes required to run the Industry of prisons in America. I hate payin fer ya liberal rules and laws ect. No wunder ya had to fight to get me higher pay just so I can be taxed-out to those very programs liberals support. MOney in a hole...Justice ought be swift ! Eyes sigh in disbelief when I hear about someone apealing for the six time in ten yrs. an ya know they did it!
  17. PLUNDERER YAS RRRRR ! COngrates MAte.. Don't let the sisters wear ya out now.. The parties just begun. Cheers to ya- Oderless raises his tankard...
  18. sO THE NSA,CIA,FBI,ATF,AND .......would like to know...
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