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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. *Jim is moved by the offer, but tries to hide the thrill of having a ship in his hands again.* "Aye, sir, 'twould be me honor. Been a long time gone since I felt the life o' a ship in me 'ands. 'Tis like guidin' the wings o' a great bird, it is..." *Jim's voice trails off and the look in his eyes grows distant.*
  2. *The Captain has ordered Jim Warren to his cabin...Jim knocks at the door.*
  3. "Aye sir", Jim said as he left the cabin, but in his mind he thought "Me 'ead be not ready for gun proctice."
  4. *Jim is happy to be out of irons, again, even if it was just for the benefit of the French captain.* "Well Captain, if we had but known tha' they was friends o' yers, we'd a' played cards fer 'er an' won 'er fair. But we still be needin' a cutter, yes?"
  5. *Sitting in the mess, still feeling the flush of good rum and the exhilaration of a fine adventure, Jim and Shipwreck sip without pleasure at the cold coffee.* "Aye, Shipwreck me lad, I think perhaps we took the wrong cutter, or mayhaps delivered her at the wrong time. 'Tis a damn fine thing we didn'a injure anyone, at least not too serious-like.”
  6. *Jim and Shipwreck splash ashore, carrying what was left of a small cask of rum. Crew members quickly gather around, congratulating the pyrates of their success, and wanting to know the details of the venture.* “Well, here be the tale…Shipwreck an’ I made our way up the coast in the comp’ny o’ some o’ the natives. They be telling me aboot a French ship a’ anchor up north. Seems they be takin’ on water an’ stores an’ tradin’ wi’ the natives. It also seems tha’ each night one o’ the officers was want ta go ashore an’ be acquainted wi’ the native girls. Now the officer would take ten men ta man the oars, but not a full compliment. Two men be left ta stand guard an’ the rest be off on their own business. When the officer be finished wi’ ‘is errand he be firin’ a gun ta bring the rest.” *Jim stops momentarily to gather the rest of the story…and another tot of rum.* “Me an’ Shipwreck decides ta ‘ave ‘im stroll down the beach as big as brass, pretenden’ ta be drunk…as ye can see, he be good at it…” *Jim and Shipwreck collapse in howls of laughter…* “An’ I be lurkin’ in the water like a big ol’ ‘Gator lizard, waitin’ fer ‘em ta be distracted. Ol’ Ship’ ‘ere, ‘e falls right inta one o’ ‘em an is ‘angin’ on like a long lost brother when I cracks the other one on ‘is ‘ead wi’ the handle o’ me knife. Ship’s man turns ta see what be ‘appenin’ an Ship cracks ‘in on the skull wi’ ‘is pistol. ‘An jus’ like tha’ we be the proud owners o’ this fine cutter.” *Jim and Shipwreck again fall on each other in peals of laughter…* “So we ties ‘em up an’ drag ‘em ita the woods there, an’ just as we be finishin’ up, two more o’ the crew shows up wi’ a fine ol’ cask o’ rum. Couldna’ tell wha’ they was sayin’ but I gathered that they was tryin’ ta smuggle tha’ cask back onta the ship. Now tha’ be against regulations, so me an Shipwreck decides ta help ‘em stay honest sailors…” *Once again, Jim and Shipwreck collapse in paroxysms of laughter. ..* “One o’ the new men starts ta look around fer the first two, an’ pokes ‘is ‘ead inta the bushes. ‘E was quite surprised ta see ol Ship thar wi’ ‘is pistol pointed between ‘is eyes. The second man ‘as got the rum on the beach, an’ I steps out o’ the trees wi’ me pistol drawn an’ ‘e does the peaceful thing an’ gives up ‘is ‘ands. So we ties up these two an’ make the boat ready ta sail. No one got killed, just cracked skulls an’ wounded pride. Didna’ want ta make ‘em blood mad. Just in case one o’ em could speak the Kings language, we talked about ‘eadin’ north ta join up wi’ one o’ the Kings Men o’ War…thought tha’ might give ‘em somthin’ ta tell the officer when ‘e got back. So then we shoved off an’ ‘eaded north, showin’ a light ever’ once an’ a while, like we was being careless. We sailed all night Friday an’ all day Saturday near shore so’s we might be seen. Saturday night we ‘eaded offshore an’ south, an’ got ‘ere afore light today. Stood off fer three hours so’s we wouldna’ get shot comin’ in. ‘Ats when we decided ta celebrate wi some o’ this ‘ere rhum.” *Jim and Shipwreck touch glasses and take a deep pull of the rum…* “An that ain’t all…In the boat we found this ‘ere case o’ twenty pistols an’ these ‘ere ten long guns.”
  7. *Jim Warren stands in the stern of the cutter with a flagon in one hand, saluting the rest of the crew…* “Ahoy the shore! Did we wake ye this fine Mornin? Send word ta the Captain tha’ me an’ ol’ Shipwreck ‘ave brought ‘im a gift. An’ I see tha’ we be havin’ the company o'another ship. Anyone I know?” *With that Jim staggers and falls into the stern sheets. Shipwreck John is lounging in the bows, unwilling to rise, tankard in hand also…* *The cutter that Shipwreck John and Jim Warren have brought is 36 feet in length and has ten oar stations. There are seats in the bow for six additional men and one gleaming brass swivel gun. In the stern are accommodations for an additional four men and another swivel gun set to starboard, in addition to the helmsman. The lateen sail and skillful handling will make the boat nimble and quick. It is soon at anchor just yards from the beach…*
  8. Aye, I'll be comin' an' bringin' Blackwater an' our own powder monkey, me 4-year old son named Morgan (really).
  9. *The sun is barely over the horizon when a cry comes from the beach…another boat, a cutter flying a French flag is within sight. The men aboard cannot help but to have seen the ship. Still, the cutter sails straight toward the Watch Dog, oblivious to the danger that her master has put her in. Just out of cannon range the cutter tacks broadside to the beach and fires swivel guns fore and aft. There are but two men on board, and they stagger about the boat, striking the little boat’s colors, and then tack back toward the Watch Dog and the shore.*
  10. *Jim is delighted with John’ response…* Arms we be needin’ but nae too many…we need ta be travelin’ light. A pistol an’ a belt knife aughta’ do ‘er. *With preparations made the two slip into the darkness, moving north to find their Indian guides and adventure…They were not seen on Saturday or on Sunday...*
  11. *Running up the beach, Jim sees Shipwreck and waves to him. Jim is out of breath but exultant…* John! John! I be so glad tha’ I have found ye. *Jim Gasps for breath…* I be searchin’ fer a cutter up an’ down the coast, an’ I finally be speakin’ ta some Indians. They be tellin’ me about a cove north up the coast tha’ be havin’ a ship be layin’ thar. I goes wi’ ‘em up the coast an’ see a great French ship, ship o’ the line I tells ye, layin’ a’ anchor in a little bay. Now ‘eres the thing…they be layin up stores and water, longboats doin’ the ferryin’, but they got this ‘ere bluff cutter layin’ guard between the ship an’ the coast. She be a beauty she be, ten oars, lateen rig an’ two guns, one on the bow an’ one astern. Each night they be takin’ tha’ cutter ashore. Seems tha’ some officer on the ship ‘as got a hankerin’ fer the native girls. I stayed ta watch an’ they don’ post but two guards. The rest o’ the shore crew go inta’ tha Indian village an’ whore and drink till the officer be done wi ‘is business. Two guards. I tell ye tha’ ye and I can be takin’ this cutter. *Jim’s eyes are alight with the prospect of plunder and taking a ship again…* What say ye lad…are ye game?
  12. That an' practice, practice, practice...lots o' sparrin' wi' someone ye trust not ta kill ye, but who won't hold back.
  13. Aye, forms and style are pretty, an' iffen thar be a judge about ta score things, that be allright. But...I be doin' ring work when I be a bit younger, an' I can tell ye, outside o' the ring, thar ain't no such thing as a fair fight. Damn few inside the ring fer that matter. When a real fight breaks out, training helps but determination an' fightin' dirty wins.
  14. Gongratulations, mate, now maybe ye shall get yer own wanted poster...bein' as how yer notorious an' all. Ray! I shall 'ave a rhum an' a Guinness
  15. Aye, mate. I be posted ta the #2 gun below decks. Named 'er katherine did I. Me an Kate'l soften' 'em up fer ye, an 'ave yer back when ye go over the side.
  16. No manners...I be captai..I mean i be Jim Warren, new gunner on this 'ere ship
  17. Aye. Right bit of a scare, that merchant hoving inta view like that...
  18. *Jim comes up behind Cut-Throat, waits to speak to the Master Gunner...*
  19. *Gathers up his hastily dropped gear and heads for the ship*
  20. *Jim sees an open position on one of the guns...leftside muzzle, wormer's position. He picks up a worm and settles in...*
  21. *Takes the proffered hand is a firm grip...* Aye, Diego, I just needs a place ta drop me gear. *looks out toward the ship...* I see stirrins' at the barge an' on deck...we best hurry along ta the fortifications...might need a couple o' gun hands... *Jim drops his gear and coat, keeping only his waistcoat, one pistol and an old broken cutlass he has reshaped into a short main gauche...*
  22. *Hauling off toward the fortifications to join in the gun drills, Jim stops to drop his bag, sea chest and most of his weapons at the encampment. He calls out in the seemingly deserted encampment...* Ahoy, be thar anyone about this 'ere camp?
  23. *Jim, no longer a Captain of the coast but just another scallywag adrift, walks down to the beach where a ship lays carreened...* Ahoy the ship! I be lookin' fer the quartermaster. Some clergyman named Diego says ye be lookin' fer good gunners an' seamen.
  24. Since when did this become "Phrase association"? (no offense mates) I believe we were a' "beer" Sam Adams
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