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Everything posted by grossmusic

  1. Nothing polite about throwing Rogers in debtor's prison while he was in poor health after he returned to England. Isle of Pines was a hangout for several pirates who probably smuggled & traded offbook with Spaniards. These were mercenaries with no loyalty to the homeland. In fact, Englishman John Rackam declared himself a citizen of Cuba when he was captured.
  2. I read somewhere that yes - the screenwriters were purposefully paying homage to Rackam in POTC, just as they paid homage to the female pirates Bonny & Read by naming the angry boat owner Anamaria. It's at the very beginning of the first movie as Jack's boat is sinking while he glides into port. I recall he tips his hat to the Rackam figure. And yes the real Rackam was definitely gibbeted! Thanks, JS1990, for reminding me about this forum. I'd forgotten I was a member apparently!
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