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Everything posted by RedJessi

  1. Oh my goodness! But that means you and Salty can both go out and about AT THE SAME TIME! lol
  2. Brig - I wish I could - this will be the first year in a loooong time that I am missing this festival all together. But I am going to be crazy busy throughout March (every single weekend is already booked solid, including a trip to St Auggie for Searle's and a week in Orlando almost immediately thereafter - entertaining incoming visitors, heading to a convention, a wedding and I am volunteering at PrideFest this year - so, CRAZY busy!) and looking forward at all the expenses I am going to be incurring plus all the things that I am NOT going to be able to get done in March - I really need to buckle down and work all this weekend to make a dent in everything from taxes and mortgage brokers to ripping up tile, building book shelves and sewing. I am already tired. lol
  3. Callenish - Can't wait to see you, salty and the kidlet again too! Kate - get ready to purl!
  4. This one cracks me up! All those dance classes paid off, huh?
  5. Despite the fact that I will not be able to attend an event in my own backyard this weekend - I *AM* still planning on coming to St. Auggie for this. After all, I pestered the hell outta poor Kate to come - I might never be able to show my face at another pyrate event if I don't come too!
  6. In true, life-kickage way, it seems I will not be able to attend this event right in me own backyard (*grumbles*)
  7. I am saddened to hear of this decision - and of how little information they gave you, Spike. It would seem that after all that has passed, they could at least indicate why this conclusion was reached.
  8. I really like the expanded cut. I haven't watch the theatrical version since I saw it in the theater. Mostly. There have been 2 times where I caught it playing on HBO, but when I would get to a scene that was missing, I would get fed up and just pop in my DVD. "FECK YOU!" "Did she just use the 'F' word?" "I think she said 'feck'." "What's the difference?" "The letter 'U'."
  9. I might airship pirate it up. Which means I reaaaaallllly need to wok on my clothes.
  10. I'm a Band Aid? Hrm. lol I too have that edition of the movie - which is completely fantastic. Have you listened to the commentary? Since the work is more than a little semi-autobiographical for, the commentary is the director and his mother. It's fab!
  11. If their fact checker calls me, I am going to deny everything! EVERYTHING! You = William Miller. Me = Stillwater. MWAhaHAhahaA!! (Name that reference. anyone? Anyone? It's an easy one!!)
  12. Period encampments? (canvas tubes, no pink and purple plastic!)
  13. Once again, with feeling! As per usual, this is at Quiet Waters park in Deerfield Beach. ren-fest.com who's coming?
  14. I won't be able to attend the entire event, alas (I have to take the whole following week off of work as a friend is coming over from Ireland, so all my PTO is already earmarked) but I should be there Friday night until Sunday Afternoon.
  15. I think Mission should organize this Mr. Happy Gerbil Pirate-Festorama
  16. is alive. Somewhat.

  17. Jacqueline Du Pre, London Symphony Orchestra & Sir John Barbirolli - Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 (more popularly known as the Elgar).
  18. "Cannoneer" is a word for an artillery gunner, first recorded in the 16th century. Or, someone who has been part of a cannon crew at an event. The BOOM BOOM GIRLS, however, are a whole other matter....
  19. Great pics, William! (I snagged one for my facebook! - didn;t think to ask first, but if it was offside, let me know and I will pull it down)
  20. No fair keeping the birthday a secret!! It was great meeting you. Next year we do cake!
  21. Cross, you need to add "Purchaser of affections" to your sig!
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